Chapter 4

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Sorry for the inactivity! A lot has been going on! To make up for it, here is a longer chapter! Please fill free to like and comment and or pm me if you have any questions.


The Author.

1 Week Later

Location: Washington, D.C.

"C'mon, Molly, you're doing so well." Serena said with a small smile as she carefully guided the Golden Retriever out of the Vet's office to head to her car.

Serena walked very slowly, to allow for Molly to not exaggerate the usage of her leg. The procedure Molly had done was the removal of a small fatty tumor, which for a dog only about a year old was highly uncharacteristic, but because of Molly's issues with her immune system, Serena had to be always cautious with her dog. After carefully picking the dog up and placing her in the front seat, Serena walked around to the driver's side and got in. No sooner Serena pulled onto the highway to head back home; her phone rang. She quickly connected her phone to Bluetooth so she wouldn't be distracted.

"Hello?" Serena answered.

"We need you to come in." Fury's voice echoed through her car.

Serena groaned. "Are you kidding me? I just picked up my dog from the Vet. Can't you handle this without me?"

"This assignment is an assault. We've got a lead on Ivankov." Fury explained.

"Where?" Serena said, now fully paying attention.

"Quito, in Ecuador." Fury continued. "A little south of the boarder for him, but I'm not surprised...he's been trying to get off our radar for months."

"Evidently not hard enough if he's on your radar." Serena huffed. "When do we leave?"

"6 hours., you better be there." Fury said before hanging up.

Serena sighed before glancing over to Molly, who was happily panting in the seat next to her. She gave her a small smile before pulling over to tell her mother, that she would need to come and get Molly, as she wouldn't be home for at least a few days.

10 Hours Later

Location: Pacific Ocean

Serena jumped grabbing onto the wall as the Quinjet shook with turbulence. She quickly readjusted her stance as she continued her annual mission weapons check. She hated the fact that she had to leave Molly with her mother, but in the back of her mind, her mother had taken care of enough dogs in her lifetime, so she was in great hands.

"How's Molly?" Steve asked as he came alongside her.

Serena nodded. "She's good. She's with my parents, I have them taking care of her for the next couple of least until the mission is done."

"Did the surgery go well?" He asked.

She nodded again. "Yeah, as well as it could. They got the tumor out, thank god it was benign."

"Thank god." He said in agreement.

"Cap, Pierce, what's the call?" Rumlow asked from the other side of the Quinjet, interrupting their conversation.

Serena and Steve turned around and addressed the holographic image of the compound just on the outskirts of Quito that they were about to take down. Alongside the image of the compound, an image of a man in his early 60s appeared as well.

"Peter Ivankov is one of the surprising masterminds that worked closely and supported the ELN back in the early to mid-90s." Rumlow explained. "Before that, he was an illegal arms dealer for the Soviet Union. That's how he became on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar. After an incident in Bogotá, S.H.I.E.L.D lost all traces of him...until recently."

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