Chapter 16 (Updated!)

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This Chapter has been updated, as I wasn't happy with the original chapter. Please read to see the changes.

3 Weeks Later

Location: Capitol Hill

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god?" One of the clerks asked as Serena had her right hand raised, and left hand on the bible.

She nodded. "I do."

"Please be seated." The clerk instructed and Serena obliged.

She practically shuddered as she heard the 12 billion camera clicks, marking her every move.

"Please state your full name, for the record." General Scudder began.

Like Natasha, Serena had been placed before the United States Senate, due to her involvement with SHIELD, the CIA, Project: INSIGHT, and her overall relation to her father. Her mother, being the Director of the CIA was placed under a similar committee, and they acquitted her of any possible relation, as they found that nothing was wrong with her and had no relation to HYDRA, despite who her husband was in the organization. Serena was on day 3 of her questioning, and they finally had gotten into the CIA, SHIELD, and HYDRA.

"Serena Alexandra de Fontaine Pierce." Serena began.

"Miss Pierce, is it true that you were trained in the CIA from the time you were 18?" Scudder asked.

"Yes." Serena explained.

"Why did you join?" Scudder asked.

"I had a surgery that altered my original plan of going to Julliard for ballet...but usually I just tell people I wanted to carry on my family's legacy." She continued. "The second story usually gets used more."

"During your time in the CIA Academy you not only excelled compared to any other trainee, but also was the youngest Specialist in the organization, which earned you the codename Viper." Scudder continued before grabbing a file. "In my hands, I have a report from one of your former handlers, about a mission you did 3 years ago in Turkmenistan. It reads: 'Upon examining the site after the team was extracted, a slew of corpses laid on the floor. All of which had bullet, and stab wounds. Toxicology reports done on the blood of these bodies report that snake venom was present within their veins. The team consisted of 2 people originally, and one of them was killed before setting foot into the facility. Agent Pierce however completed the mission...with little to no signs of physical or mental distress.'  Miss Pierce, what does this mean to you?"

Serena sighed. "I guess I'm really good at my job." 

Some of the committee members and media laughed, before order was reestablished. Scudder turned back to Serena.

"A mental evaluation was done after that mission, correct?" He asked.

"Yes." She nodded.

He pulled out another file. "In your mental evaluation, which I have here, it states that 'Agent Pierce shows signs of slight withdrawal. However based upon her expressions, it has come to show that she is emotionless, cold, inscrutable, and hard-hearted.' Miss Pierce, are all of these statements true?"

Serena shrugged. "Based upon the fact that I'm not checked into an insane asylum after all of the missions I've done for both the CIA and SHIELD, I guess they are."

That comment drew whispers from the committee members and media members.

Scudder sighed. "Miss Pierce, is it true, that you use poisonous snake venom to murder HYDRA Agents during the attack in the Triskelion?"

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