Chapter 10

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Present Day

Serena sighed in frustration as she walked into the elevator.

"Level 8 offices." She said after scanning her badge.

"Confirmed." The computer replied.

She had been up with Maria all night moving Fury's body to their safe house, where she would keep an eye on him, along with Doctor Fine. Serena on the other hand had to do all the heavy lifting. In other words, Serena had to make sure no one at SHIELD suspected that Fury was alive. Just as she was about to take out her phone to call Maria, the elevator doors opened to reveal Steve, dressed in his Captain America uniform.

"Hey." He said calmly as he walked on. "World Security Council."

"Confirmed." The computer replied.

Serena frowned. "Why are you going up there?"

He sighed. "Your father wanted to speak to me. I was the last person to see Fury alive."

Serena huffed in amusement. "You know, you're supposed to go on a couple dates with a person before you meet the parents...but...I guess you're doing everything backwards."

Steve shook his head in amusement. "I guess so...any tips?"

"Make eye contact, stand your ground so he doesn't walk over you, and please, don't tell him we're supposed to go to some point." She explained as the elevator doors opened. "Let me know how it goes."

"I will." He called after her as the elevator doors opened.

Serena smiled to herself as she walked to her office. Once she was inside, she closed the door behind her, locked it, and turned on soundproof, as she was going to call Maria.

"This is Hill." Maria said on the other line.

"Hey, it's me. How is he?" Serena asked with slight regret in her voice.

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, a collapsed lung, and he has another headache." Maria explained. "Otherwise, he's his usual self."

"I'm sure." Serena hummed. "Listen, no one suspects a thing here, but we have bigger issues."

"Like?" Maria asked.

"My father asked to speak to Rogers." Serena explained.

"He's probably concerned about Fury..."Maria trailed off. "Unless..."

"Unless my dad's in on it." Serena explained. "Where's the hard drive with the information I collected from the Lemurian Star?"

She heard talking in the background before Maria came on the phone again.

"He gave it to Rogers...Rogers had it the last I know of..." Maria trailed off again. "He told him the same thing he told us, to trust no one and SHIELD is compromised.

"Knowing Steve, he wouldn't have hidden it somewhere with someone he didn't trust, he hid it in secret most likely." Serena explained in deep thought as she put her feet on her desk while leaning back in her desk chair. "The only other place he was, was in the hospital..."

Both ends of the phone were silent, until Serena's eyes widened.

"The hospital!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

"Ser, you've gotta get over there as soon as you can...but make it as inconspicuous as you can." Maria explained.

"Obviously." Serena remarked. "Keep in touch."

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