Chapter 18

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In case anyone forgot what Serena looked like (as I've gotten inquires about it in pm), her faceclaim is Camilla Luddington.

2 Weeks Later

Location: Manhattan, New York

Serena sighed in annoyance as she glanced over the Manhattan skyline, from her desk. It was beautiful this time of night, but then again, it was around midnight, and she was tired. She was currently in her office, in the new and improved Avengers Tower, and had officially started to realize, how boring working behind the scenes was. While her family and Steve were happy, she wasn't in the field, Serena genuinely missed the action. She secretly wanted to go with the rest of the Avengers on the hunt for the scepter, and or taking down HYDRA. All she'd come to known in the recent years was to operate in the field, so for her to be parked behind a desk...felt foreign to her.

She turned back towards her desk, and just as she was about to get back to work, she glanced at the framed picture of her and Steve on her desk. The picture was taken the day of the Monaco Grand Prix, with the two of them sitting next to each other, with Steve's arm around Serena's waist, and the two of them were smiling ear-to-ear. A knock at the door snapped out of her thoughts.

Her head immediately snapped up to see Maria with two mugs in hand.

"Tea?" She asked with a smile as she walked toward her.

"Sure." Serena smiled back, accepting the mug.

"You alright?" Maria asked taking a seat on the other side of the desk.

Serena shrugged. "I guess...any news?"

Maria shook her head. "No. They landed about two hours ago. JARVIS is monitoring it."

Serena sighed. Since they'd got back from Monaco, the Avengers were all called in to hunt for Loki's scepter, as it has been taken into one of HYDRA's bases...the only problem, was where in the world it was. So far, they had narrowed it down to 5 potential bases. Guadalajara, Osaka, Mumbai, Sudan, and Sokovia. They had taken down the bases in Guadalajara and Osaka, so they were all hoping it'd be 3rd times the charm in Mumbai.

"I'm still not use to that." Serena said blandly. "JARVIS...I mean."

"No, me too." Maria said with the same tone, knowing the two of them, felt like they were being always watched by someone...or rather something. "Want to go monitor their progress?"

Serena stood up from her desk and grabbed her mug. "Sure."

As Maria led the two of them out of Serena's office and down various corridors of the tower, Serena began to realize that this was her life now. She'll never be a field-agent again. SHIELD was gone. Her father was gone. Her entire previous life was gone. The only thing that she could salvage from her past life, was her job with the CIA, but even then, she was a liaison, not a field-agent. That's when she began to realize, that maybe she made the wrong choice of sitting out and doing nothing.

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