Chapter 21

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Present Day

Location: Novi Grad, Sokovia

"Shit!" Tony cursed over the coms as he hit the forcefield.

"Language!" Steve interjected. "JARVIS what's the view from upstairs."

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." JARVIS explained over the coms.

The entire team was fighting vigorously the HYDRA personnel in the snowy tundra that is Sokovia. While it was cold, none of them really cared...all they wanted was the Scepter.

"Loki's Scepter must be here." Thor began as he fought off HYDRA agents. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."

"'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys." Natasha interjected as she shot down three agents.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint agreed as he dodged the incoming attacks.

"Really?" Serena asked with sarcasm, easily dodging the various bunkers firing at her, due to the fact she was driving a motorcycle. "What makes you say that?"

"Wait a second." Tony began. "No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?"

"I know." Steve said in annoyance, as he threw his own motorcycle at some agents driving a truck, destroying it instantly. "It just slipped out."

Serena who was not that far behind him, slowed her bike down to a stop.

"You know, when we're alone, you curse just as much as Stark." Serena began as Steve hoped on behind her.

"Don't start" He began as she sped the bike toward the action.

Serena felt Steve's hand on her upper thigh as she weaved her way around the dead and injured HYDRA agents.

"Steve, now's not the time..." She began, fully believing that he was in the mood for sex on a mission.

"Not that, can I borrow your gun, we're being followed." He explained and she shifted her body slightly, to allow him to get a hold of the Glock that was currently sitting in her thigh-holster. Before she knew it, she heard gunshots being fired from behind them. Within a few minutes, he placed the gun back into its holster, and gestured for her to slow down. Steve quickly hopped off the bike and turned around to face her.

"Thanks for the ride, ma'am." He said with a small smile.

"Ma'am?" Serena asked raising a brow. "I'm not that old. You should speak for yourself, you Cradle Robber."

"Let me know if something goes wrong." He said seriously, ignoring her last comment before, starting to run but kept his eyes on her. "Be safe!"

Serena rolled her eyes as she continued to speed forward.

"Clint!" Natasha exclaimed with worry.

"What's wrong Nat?" Serena asked with concern.

"Clint's hit!" She continued.

"Stay where you are, I'm on my way to you." Serena began, seeing a blur run right by her. "Whoa, what the fuck was that?"

"We have an enhanced in the field." Steve groaned.

"You alright, Clint?" Serena asked with concern as she pulled up alongside Natasha and Clint, but also still slightly worried about Steve, based upon the tone in his voice.

Clint's only response was a groan. Serena knelt alongside Natasha and looked at the injured area, noticing how bad the wound was.

"This is bad." She began. "He needs an evac."

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