Chapter 1: An Old Man's Troubles

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[Isla's POV]

As I meandered through the labyrinth of book-filled aisles in the Grand Library, the air hummed with an ancient wisdom, and the scent of aged parchment mingled with the faint aroma of enchantment. Shafts of golden light cascaded through stained glass windows, painting kaleidoscopic patterns on the polished marble floor. Each step echoed softly, as if the very stones whispered secrets of forgotten lore.

Approaching the heart of the library, my gaze fell upon my office door, which I passed through as I have done for the past few years of my life. Upong entry I was greeted by the sight of my desk—an oak monolith amidst a sea of tomes. Its surface, though pristine, now bore the scars of countless battles waged against paperwork and bureaucracy - Piles of scrolls and manuscripts teetered precariously, threatening to spill their arcane secrets with the slightest disturbance.

Drawn towards the familiar sight of my desk—a constant source of frustration in recent months, I was careful not to disturb the delicate equilibrium of organized chaos that surrounded my workstation. Since the royals' sudden decision to leave the kingdom and visit Saraena, my workload seemed to have grown exponentially, leaving me grappling with an endless stream of tasks.

As I sank into the plush cushions of my chair, the weight of my duties pressing down upon me like an avalanche of parchment, a persistent inquiry clawed its way to the forefront of my mind: Why had I ensnared myself in this cage of obligations during the bloom of my youth?

The opulence of my surroundings only served to accentuate the severity of my predicament. Every piece of furniture, crafted with the finest materials and adorned with intricate carvings, whispered tales of wealth and prestige. Yet, amidst this ostentatious display of luxury, I found myself ensconced in a fortress of responsibility, the walls closing in with each passing moment.

Surrounded by towering stacks of paperwork, each document an uninvited reminder to the burdens I had willingly shouldered, I couldn't help but question the choices that had led me to this juncture. Had I been too eager to prove myself? Too ambitious in my pursuit of success?

Chuckling softly to myself, I glanced around my workspace, almost incredulous at the sight before me. Despite my earlier grumblings and protests, it appeared that I was on the cusp of triumph over the daunting mound of tasks that had threatened to consume me.

After a few hours of labour had passes and a wry smile started tugging at the corners of my lips, I admired the sight of my desk—a rare expanse of polished wood peeking through the remnants of paperwork that had once dominated its surface

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After a few hours of labour had passes and a wry smile started tugging at the corners of my lips, I admired the sight of my desk—a rare expanse of polished wood peeking through the remnants of paperwork that had once dominated its surface. The once formidable stacks had dwindled to mere remnants, scattered like fallen soldiers in the aftermath of a hard-fought battle.

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