Chapter 29: Joint Forces

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[Saaya's POV]

What the actual hell.....

Mom! Was that you?!

Absolutely not! Wait right here and don't come out under any circumstances! Got it?

R-Right! Be careful and please check for Uncle Kuriyami!

After a quick nod of confirmation, I ventured out through the entrance I nearly sealed, stepping into the newly formed snowy landscape, the powdery snow reaching halfway up my greaves!

[Frostbound Domain]! This is definitely it!

Is my father here?! No, if this were his doing, even the interior of [Frozen Canopy] would be affected! Only the area close to the entrance was covered in snow! Perhaps if he held back, but it's still unlikely! He shouldn't have discerned what's happening, and even if he did, I highly doubt he could have arrived in Olvia this swiftly!

So then who....

Hey there....

That voice!

My head spun faster than ever before, reaching speeds that made it feel like it might just fly off my neck! As I scanned the area, my eyes narrowed down on the source, finding it leisurely sitting on a stone layered with crystallized ice!

Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up after four whole years. How's my darling little sister been? Still causing trouble by the looks of it?


What are you doing here?!

Hm? Are you actually asking me a question that's got such an obvious answer written on it? Protecting this kingdom from the likes of you is practically ingrained in our DNA... well, clearly not the case for you but you see what I mean right? Why wouldn't we be?

Just as I thought! He's more than ready to bury us... wait did he just say 'we'?

Heeeeyyyyy! How's it been, Saaya!

Thaijou! Shit!

If he's here, then I stand absolutely no chance at winning! Literally zero! Just as it's always been! And if both of these guys are here together, then that boy must also be-

Looking for me?

The fuck?!

The voice came from directly behind me, causing me to spin around and jump away instinctively. However, it seemed like I had wasted my energy. Though he was within arms reach of me before I realised he was behind me, there he stood, hands casually tucked into the pockets of that strange coat he wore!

I'd only heard about him from Kuriyami's report, but this is the first time I'm seeing him in person! He really is just a kid, albeit a bit on the tall side, there's no mistaking it! He's probably Zeef's age, maybe even younger!


The name's Lee Harlings. A pleasure to meet you, missus!


Whoops, my bad! When your hubby and I were having a chat and you popped up, it would be as "the missus." Kinda stuck in my head, so I might just keep using it from now on! Hope that's cool with you, missus! Anyway, here's to getting along!

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