Chapter 12: Lost

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[Kaizuma's POV]

I finished up buttoning my shirt, feeling mostly ready for the day ahead. All that was left was strapping on my armor, but I wasn't too keen on wearing it for breakfast, even if it was just the light stuff. Also tried to tame my hair and beard a little, but as usual, it was a lost cause thanks to the spikey genes I've gotten from somewhere, so I just shrugged it off and headed out. But before leaving the room, I couldn't help but notice Saaya had beaten me to the punch and gotten up before me, which, gotta admit, is a bit scary. Whenever that happens, it usually means something special's going on and I've forgotten about it! Last time it happened, it was our anniversary. Don't wanna remember that though....

Is today anything special? Her birthday? Nah. Kuro's? Nope. Zeef's? Negative...... Is it mine? Nope, not today. Huh? Ran through a mental list of important dates, including our anniversary to avoid a repeat embarrassment, but nope, not the anniversary either. Maybe she's just feeling a bit more lively today.

Yeah, that's probably the case!

Alright, all that's left is to meet the fam for breakfast!

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The walk to the dining hall was as long and uneventful as ever, just like every other day, and likely today too. But when I finally arrived at my destination—


Why was there an overwhelming feast laid out!? Every corner I glanced, there were tantalizing bowls of soup, aromatic curries, mouthwatering stir-fries, succulent roasted meats, and an array of delectable desserts, with more dishes appearing by the moment! The air was thick with the intoxicating aroma of spices and herbs, tempting me with every breath to the point I was holding back my saliva!

How much more food is needed!? Even the guards are helping move them around...Oh no! 

It's a special day today, isn't it!?

I should go back to bed and pretend to be sick. That's the only way I'll make it out of this situ-

Hey, Kai! If you're gonna keep being on your feet then feel free to help out! Otherwise get over here and sit down!

That voice. It's been a part of my everyday life, familiar and soothing.... until today. Amidst the bustle of the dining hall, I tracked it down, spotting her silver hair waving amongst the crowd. Yup. That's my wife. Sometimes she's the best thing that's ever happened to my life, and other times, she's the reason I want to invest in a helmet for everyday wear.

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