Chapter 22: Cold Blood Vs Cold Will

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[Riece's POV]


I actually did something of this level.

The world around me seemed to have skipped the latter half of autumn and jumped straight into winter. What was meant to be a multicoloured landscape had transformed into a pristine white canvas, the surrounding mountains are likely sharing the same experience. It was disconcerting, to say the least. It felt as though nature had pulled a prank, swapping out the familiar sights of greenery for a sudden blanket of snow. The temperature had plummeted, signalling that this winter snap wasn't going anywhere soon. I could only hope that the local wildlife would be able to handle this unexpected change without too much harm. I don't want to be the cause of any extinctions...

Standing here, I couldn't shake the feeling of awe mixed with a hint of unease

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Standing here, I couldn't shake the feeling of awe mixed with a hint of unease. Being from the Coldwart family already set a high bar for us, but now, to realize I'm a climate changer—it's quite a revelation. I must admit, I'm rather impressed with myself. After all, it's not every day one discovers they have the power to change the landscape like this.


Oink? ( ̄□ ̄;)

As I turned to confront the unexpected visitor, I found myself face to face with a bewildered boar. Despite lacking the ability to be expressive with their faces, its confusion was more than obvious. Yet, this encounter jogged my memory about a crucial oversight, I'm honestly surprised I even forgot about it in the first place! Warm-blooded creatures wouldn't remain frozen statues indefinitely! Which means...

The hell!? What's happening!? God dammit!

There we go.

Following the string of curses echoing through the wintry landscape, I hurried forward, passing a lot of bamboo and a lot of frozen corpses. I won't lie, it's a little difficult to figure out which there's more of. ANyway, it didn't take long before I spotted her struggling to free herself from the snow, her curses still audible despite her predicament. It seemed that in addition to being turned into a statue, she had also ended up buried beneath the snow, a detail that does put a smile on my face.

Yo! Feeling defeated yet, or are you still clinging to that snowbank for dear life


With an unlucky streak like that, it's no wonder she found herself buried deeper than buried treasure! But hey, props to her for being tougher than she looks. Using some serious tricks—well, more like air punches—to clear the snow, she emerged from her wintry tomb like a boss, facing me with a mix of determination and defiance. Still putting up a fight!

You do realize I've frozen all your corpses, don't you? My ice isn't going to be a walk in the park for those things to break out of. So, I suggest, but really hope you don't surrender.

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