Chapter 19: A Dead Trail

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[Riece's POV]

Tsk. Sorry about this. I didn't see that coming!

Don't worry about it. Neither did we!

Yeah, those darn clouds hid their approach until it was practically on top of us and well withing dive-bombing range! The crash was intense, blowing us all away and knocking us for a loop, if the soldiers had remained there, they would have died without a doubt! To top it all off, it whipped out its talons and set its master free!

I know its supposed to an undead and all, but to think she can utilise something that even has it's ribs exposed! What kind of bird even is that!?

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I know its supposed to an undead and all, but to think she can utilise something that even has it's ribs exposed! What kind of bird even is that!?

You really pulled the rug from under me there. I was planning on staying and fighting but that kid over there's too much of an unknown, and I don't like unknowns!

Oh? Running cuz of a cute little boy like me?

Oh, honey, let's drop the act, even if it is a sarcastic one.

She said casually as she climbed onto her bird, seemingly unfazed by the fact that three of the toughest individuals in the kingdom were staring her down.

I didn't grow up in some bubble-wrapped place of harmony like this, I know when to pick fights. Between the General and the lieutenant, I've already got my hands full, and I only came to gauge out their strength, not fight them to the death. Adding you to the mix? That's just asking for a comedy of errors.

"Oh, honey", flattery's not going to get you anywhere. And let's be real, you don't actually think we'll let you waltz off into the sunset on that bird of yours do you?

Preach it! I already had my ice prepped to shoot he-





They're going after the civilians!

Dammit! Not only are the villagers in danger but in the few seconds we were distracted, the bitch already gained altitude!

You may not want to let me go, darling, but here's the kicker: you won't have a choice! Well, I mean, technically you do, but let's call it what it is—a little ultimatum: Either bid me farewell or watch those poor villagers meet their demise!

Tsk! Who's pulling the rug under from who now?!

Riece! Around us!


As my eyes surveyed the surroundings, I began to discern what he had been pointing out. Slithering around the corners of buildings, lurking within the shadows of dark alleys, and emerging from behind intersections, more undead creatures began to encircle us. Yet, none resembled any of the creatures familiar to us in Olvia or even the whole of Doava for that matter, much like the earlier encounter with the bird!

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