Chapter 3: Hunting The Unknown

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[Thaijou's POV]

"Don't sweat it! We're gonna hunt down this elusive rift dweller, even if it takes us a lifetime!" I exclaimed with all the bravado I could muster, though truth be told, after actually beginning the search, my confidence was starting to wane. Hours had passed, and our search yielded zilch. Zippo. Nada. We were smack dab in the middle of the aftermath of those crimson bolts Isla rattled on about - AKA: this crater that was in the middle of the forest!

This was ground zero alright, surrounded by scorch marks that looked like they'd been kissed by dragons. Or so the gang - I mean the investigators seemed to agree. As for me, I'll trust 'em on that; can't say I've had much crater-inspecting experience. But here's the kicker: THERE AINT NOBODY HERE!! 

No one. Zilch. Nada. Just me, my crew, my befuddled thoughts, and this gaping hole in the earth that's proving to be the bane of my existence. The crater sprawled out like someone punched the ground real hard, leaving a big ol' dent. Its edges were all burnt up like it got toasted by some cosmic barbeque, cracks ran everywhere like a broken mirror and in the middle, there was this dark pit, like it could swallow you whole. It was kinda cool and scary at the same time, but mostly it just made me feel like I was staring into nothing.

General! Reporting in!


Did you find someone!?

No, sir! The lieutenant has arrived and asked for you!

Well, slap my backside and call me Sally! Just when I thought things couldn't get any hairier! My stomach started doing somersaults at the soldier's report... I'd have traded my left boot for him to keep his trap shut. This here was the part I dreaded most about this whole blasted search mission!

See, the thing is, Lieutenant Heartless- that's what we call him 'round these parts, on account of his face being as welcoming as a cactus patch - well, he's the kind of fella you don't wanna tango with unless you're packin' a bucketful of nerve and a silver tongue to match. And here I am, about to waltz into his lair, hat in hand, to spill the beans about hunting down a Rift Dweller.

 Lord help me!

Alrighty - O! Take me to him will ya?

I gave the soldier a nod, sending him scurrying off like a rabbit with a fox on its tail, and ventured forth to where my lieutenant awaited. As I approached, his steely gaze bore into me like hot pokers, making my spine feel like it had been replaced with jelly. The thing is, when it comes to scaring the bejeezus outta folks, this lieutenant of mine could give a swamp monster a run for its money. It's like he's got a permanent thundercloud hovering over his head, and I'm the poor sap who always seems to catch the lightning. And today of all days, when he's supposed to be kicking back with his feet up on his day off, he's gotta deal with my sorry hide. Can't blame him for lookin' like a storm's brewing inside him. Then again he is Riece Coldwart, AKA: Mr Heartless. Even when he's nice he acts like a bitch.

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