Chapter 25: Plan D Continues

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[Lee's POV]

As I observed the pristine white snow gradually be tainted with crimson, I let out a weary sigh while standing over Kaizuma, motionless and unresponsive, a copious amount of red liquid seeping from his head. Yep, this just confirms it—I really can't stand the color red! Every time I encounter this calamitous hue, it's like a sign that whatever could've gone differently ends up taking the most catastrophic route imaginable! If we had more time we could have come up with a plan to avoid this, but alas, we didn't.


The echoing crunch of footsteps traced through the untouched expanse of deep snow.


Oh? Lieutenant? Fancy meeting you here.

You tell me! Looks like our plans for the village meetup just got nixed... and... did you have to make it look this painful?

Oh, look who's sprouting observational humor! You're seriously saying that after turning the undead user into... whatever the heck I witnessed back then!?

Ah, so you caught that, huh? Well, let's just say the situations between them differ.

He's a criminal, lieutenant—quite the dynamic duo considering your position. Let's just focus on figuring out how to explain this when we meet your sister next.

Explain this to her? She'll have me auditioning for the role of "Human Piñata" at the next family gathering, no matter the excuse!

Your problem, not mine!

Asshole... So, where's the goofy general lurking?

Would you believe me if I told you I don't care?

Would you believe me if I said I do? Let's be honest, it's not like we're in dire need of his company at the moment. He wasn't for this plan to begin with after all.

Absolutely! "Let's refrain from turning Kaizuma into target practice and instead, let's dive headfirst into a full-on raid with him as our unlikely ally!" It's almost as if he's asking for those hostages to be turned into human pincushions! Also, things went as planned with the undead user right? You didn't forget anything important?

No. Everything went swimmingly.... By the way... did he...

He's on his way like you said. And considering I just let off a few rounds, he's likely hot on our trail. Do you really think I'd take a pop at the General of Avia without good reason?

Right. That's good to hear...

Damn. Feeling pretty sour right now... Not exactly my forte, handling situations like this. Honestly, I'm drawing a blank on what to say.

Or am I?



Your roasts did more damage to him than the General and me combined! (¬‿¬)b

Damn straight! ( ˘ ^˘ )=3

[Kuriyami's POV]

I finished filling in the hole where I stashed the bodies of those beefy watch guards and bolted through the bamboo woods! Either they've mastered teleportation and managed to pull off months of travel to Colwart Academy and back in just a few hours to snatch Kuylan, or Riece has started hitting the steroids big time! I refuse to accept any other reason as to why there's so much bloody snow everywhere...


What was that!? It came from over there!

I weaved through the dense thicket of green poles, occasionally darting and leaping as I chased after the enigmatic sound that reverberated through the forest! It had the familiar boom of an explosion, but at the same time sounded as if it were not powerful enough to...

What the...

Kaizuma... lying there in the snow... not moving... blood... from his head...?! And who's that kid standing over him?! Dressed all weird and holding some odd stuff! What the heck happened here? Is my brother... dead!? No way! But he's not budging an inch!

I waited, my heart pounding with dread, and watched him intently, hoping for any flicker of movement, any sign of breathing. But there was nothing. He lay there, utterly still, like a broken doll abandoned by its owner. The sight left me numb, a heavy weight settling in the pit of my stomach, as the realization sank in that he may not get up!

He's... he's gone... Did that kid...


Oh? Lieutenant? Fancy meeting you here.

Riece!? What the heck is going on!? Is Riece in cahoots with that kid?! Can't be! There's no way Riece would buddy up with someone who killed Kaizuma! Unless... unless the kid wasn't the one who did it! I'm so lost! Maybe I should just head down there and try to talk to them!

No way! That's insane! If Kaizuma really bit the dust here, and those two are acting all nonchalant about it... I could be next on the chopping block! I'll stick to the shadows and confirm-


The sound of wings?

I looked above me as a shadow flew over, one that was familiar. Very familiar. Because I hate it!


But what happened to her!? That's horrifying! She looks like she's been through hell and back just to get sent back to hell again! Whoever went up against her must have been formidable, but they failed to finish the damn job and now she's being whisked away by her bird! This spells disaster! Once she sees Kaizuma's body, she'll undoubtedly report back to the enemy and they'll likely deem Zeef expendable!

Hold on a second... They might attempt to use Zeef as leverage against Saaya or me! Their original plan was both Kaizuma and Saaya after all! But would they risk using us after Kaizuma, our strongest was killed?! They might reckon it's not worth the hassle and kill Zeef anyway! But having him alive is the sole reason they haven't faced our retaliation; if they eliminate him, we'll have no reason to hold back! Though what if they keep him around until they relocate, and then dispose of him?!

Dammit it all to hell! There she goes!

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

I need to head back to report this immediately, but how can I do almost three months of travel quickly enough!? Should I.... ah fuck I'll do it!

I knelt and placed both hands on the ground before using my magic!

[Void Gate]

A black fog began to seep from the ground, enveloping the area in an eerie darkness as it absorbed all colour within its circular formation. This is [Void Gate], my most frequently utilized technique, employed to pass through solid barriers like walls and traverse short distances, around ten meters at most. However, I typically limit its use to ten meters by choice as venturing too far drains my mana reserves drastically. But right now, I have no other option. Time is of the essence, and I cannot afford to waste a single moment!

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