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Y/N's eyes widened with shock as she tried to comprehend his words. Love? Love?! What about this was love? She pressed the ice pack firmly to her eye, a pit starting to form in her stomach.

"I-I don't know what to say," Y/N muttered, crossing her free arm over her lap. Toby's lips pursed together, and he ran a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh.

"I guess that's fair," he started. "But let me explain before you call me crazy," he said, standing up in front of Y/N. She nodded, gesturing for him to keep talking. Toby took a deep breath.

"So, recently, I've been seeing memories of you. And I-I know technically I forgot who you were before a few days ago, but I-I remembered when I used to like you. I liked you. A lot." Toby smiled, proud to get through an explanation with minimal stutters. Y/N stared with an expression of subtle fright.

"It's been ten years since then, Toby." Y/N said softly, taking the ice pack off of her eye for a moment to rest it on a bruise on her arm. Toby shook his head.

"And?" Toby questioned, raising an eyebrow. He put his hands on his hips, tilting his head.

"And I have a different life now," Y/N said, feeling the sting of tears threaten to break through. "I guess I should say had."

Toby frowned before quickly shaking off what she said.

"You'll be fine here; I-I can care for you and protect you, just like I should have a long time ago," Toby said with more firmness in his voice now.

"Toby, you quite literally set my life on fire." Y/N retorted, trying not to sound angry. She set the ice pack back on her eye. Toby grimaced.

"It was for a good reason. Brad was a real shithead," he said, gesturing while speaking, like he was talking with his hands.

"I was going to marry him!" Y/N replied quickly, her expression growing frustrated. Toby scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Well, not anymore! I fuckin' murdered his bitch-ass, and I'd do it again." Toby blurted, gritting his teeth. He couldn't understand why Y/N was so ungrateful. He saved her! She should have been begging to stay with him, but for some reason, she didn't. Toby looked back down at Y/n with an annoyed expression, but the expression quickly faltered when he saw Y/n's eyes.

Tears ran down her cheeks like a crystal stream on a spring day. Her shaky hand wiped at her face as she sniffled back sobs.

Oh god.

Maybe he was a bad guy.

Panic wrapped around Toby's heart, and he sat next to Y/N once again. Y/N scooted a bit away, prompting him to scoot a few inches closer. Toby curled his arms around Y/N, making her tense up a bit as he pulled her towards his body.

Toby was so awful at comforting people. He rested his head on top of Y/N's, his cheek pressed against her hair. He couldn't help but get sidetracked by the faint smell of her shampoo. The sweet scent was mixed with the smell of blood and smoke, serving as a reminder of the heinous act he committed.

He was tempted to say something—to talk to her, rock her side to side, and kiss her on the cheek—to tell her everything was all right. But it would be too soon. So he sat there awkwardly, holding her against him in some pathetic attempt at comfort.

"If you want, you can shower," he said in a gentle tone. Toby was trying to get rid of the awkward silence that lingered in the air. He got up and pointed to the bathroom, his arms falling back to his sides. "You can use whatever you want in there."

Y/N wiped her eye, putting the ice pack to the side. With a simple nod, she stood up, walking over to the bathroom. She looked back at Toby warily, her mind shuffling through all the terrible things that could happen.

"What are you going to do?" She asked with her hand on the door. Toby glanced about the cabin, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Wait for you to be done, I guess," he shrugged, struggling to make eye contact in such an odd, tension-filled moment. Y/N sighed in response.

"Okay," she mumbled, walking into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, locking it for good measure. The bathroom had a few things in it, and it was obvious that only Toby lived here.

All-in-one shampoo, conditioner, and body wash; a toothbrush and toothpaste; half-empty mouthwash; cologne; and an empty container of handsoap.

Y/N looked around at the bleak bathroom before looking at the shower. It would feel nice to get these dirty clothes that were covered in her ex-fiance's blood off of her. She eventually caved in and peeled her clothes off, hopping in the shower.

Toby stood in the living room. He could hear the shower running in the other room, and he felt grateful that she wasn't just stalling in there to avoid him. Toby tucked his hands in his pockets before realizing that he too was covered in blood. His eyes widened, and an unamused 'hmph' came from his lips. Maybe that's why she was so scared of him in the first place.

Toby looked at his clothes, zoning out for a bit before he remembered something utterly random. Y/n's car. He looked at the front door and the bathroom door. Toby knew he wasn't allowed to drive because of his Tourette's, but just maybe...

He stepped toward the door before going outside. It took a while to get to her house, but if he ran, he could make it there and back quickly. He bolted out the door, shutting it behind him as he ran. Surely he would be back in time.

As Toby came closer to Y/N's old neighborhood, he slowed to a fast walk. The smoky taste in the air was still present, making Toby cough a bit. He turned to the corner to see the remains of Y/N's house. Only a few things survived the heat of the fire: the car, metal pipes, and police tape.


Police tape?

Toby looked at the police tape that surrounded the house. No one was there, and there wasn't a car in sight. Perhaps they put out the fire and saved the rest of the work for tomorrow?

Toby pulled his hood up over his head, followed by his mask and goggles. If there were remaining police, he didn't want to be recognized or known as a suspect.

Toby peeked around before creeping up to the burn sight. Everything was charred, from the front entrance to the back of the house. Toby hunched over, trying his best not to be seen while walking in the place Y/N once called home. He looked down at the floor, seeing the spot where he had chopped Brad into little pieces.

The body was gone.

Toby gulped, hoping that the fire got to the body before any police could. He snuck over to Y/N's old room, looking around to find the damaged metal bed frame and a safe.

"OoooOoo," Toby cooed, picking up the crispy safe and shaking it a bit. He could hear something inside, but it didn't clatter around. He tilted his head before tucking it under his arm, rather surprised that the police hadn't confiscated it yet.

Toby's eyes went back to the car, and he hurried over to it. He peered inside to see the car keys in the cup holder. He opened the door and got into the driver's seat, tossing the safe into the passenger seat. He savored the small feeling of pride as he sat in the driver's seat, wishing in the back of his mind that he could drive legally.

Toby shrugged it off and decided that he could check off auto theft on his bucket list. The keys slid into the ignition. Controlling the damn thing was a wild experience for Toby. The pedals are very sensitive to touch, but he didn't hesitate to go fast and get out of there quickly.

He drove through the police tape, which elicited a chuckle from him. There was no denial of the thrill of breaking the law, but this was totally different. He was just taking the car and illegally driving it back to where he kidnapped Y/N.

And there was nothing wrong with that.

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