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Y/N looked down at her mug, seeing the tea inside ripple as the whole cabin shook. Her first instinct was that it was an earthquake, and she moved the curtain from the window to look outside.

The trees—they were moving! They were not just swaying back and forth; they were moving by the roots through the ground. The forest was being shuffled around as if the trees were sentient beings. Just as the trees started to move, they stopped, and the cabin lay still. Y/N's jaw dropped in bewilderment, and she spotted Toby walking back towards the cabin unfazed.

She was about to get up and go speak to him, but when she stood up, pain shot through her body. She groaned and collapsed back down on the couch, clutching her stomach, as she felt like she was being destroyed from the inside out. She felt black sludge form at the back of her throat, and she leaned over the couch, hacking up every bit of it onto the floor.

The pain dulled as Toby opened the cabin door. His eyes widened, but they soon went back to normal when he saw she was getting sick again. Toby went over to the couch, sitting beside her as the goop soaked through the floor again.

"How bad is it?" Toby asked, his voice as soft and sweet as melted caramel.

He knew how bad it was. It was bad. Toby tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear. As soon as she heard Toby's question, she felt a rush of emotion come over her that she couldn't control. She started to cry, leaning her head on the backside of the sofa. Y/N blubbered, tears falling like rain down her face. Toby rubbed his jaw in thought, not knowing how to comfort someone in a situation like this.

"Do you want the truth or a lie first?" Toby asked, gulping down the bitter anxiety that was stuck in his throat. Y/N hiccuped, drying her eyes with the back of her wrist, thinking.

"The truth, I guess," she answered, looking at him. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying a whole lot.

"Um, I'm not the father, and it's my boss's kid," Toby said cautiously, followed by a shoulder-to-shoulder shrug. Y/N stared at Toby, trying to tell if he was joking or not.

"How?" She questioned, her voice sounding like she was on the verge of another breakdown. She didn't understand; she didn't know if she did want to understand. It was all so confusing. She has never even seen his boss, so how could she be pregnant!?Toby wrapped one arm around Y/N, pulling her closer to him. Toby cleared his throat.

"I've talked about my boss before, ya know? He's an interesting guy. I'm not really allowed to say no because I could be terminated. He's a supernatural creature who does not like humans, but he wanted 'offspring' for... I don't even know why. The baby is supposed to be a mix of human and supernatural, and that means the baby is going to be delivered in, like, nine-ish days." Toby rambled nervously, gesturing randomly with his free hand.

He was also trying to put himself at ease because of the new pressure and stress that have been added to his collection of unwanted feelings. Y/N's mouth was agape in shock and fear. She was pregnant with a nonhuman baby. She was pregnant with a human baby. Unease began to well up in her stomach.

"What am I supposed to do?!" Y/N panicked, clenching her stomach. Toby's head swung around to look at her in the eyes.

"Hey, it's alright; I can help take care of it." Toby said, rubbing Y/N's arm like he was trying to get rid of her worry, but it only worsened it.

"Wait, we're keeping it, and there's only nine days!?" The warmth drained from Y/N's face, and she started to feel a bit faint. Toby's eyes widened, and he bit his lip. He had to tell her the truth.

"We have to..." Toby said quietly. Though he felt terrible for admitting it, they had no choice. He didn't know what would happen if they refused. He couldn't imagine the pain Slenderman would cause to both of them, and it made his stomach twist sickly.

Y/N felt like she was starting to catch on. It wasn't his fault... But a baby? Really? That's where this was going? Of course, Toby's "cult" leader would try to make her a temple for its child.

"What's going to happen to the baby?" Y/N asked, feeling sharp pains in her stomach again. She winced and grimaced, but the pain wasn't the problem... Yet.

"We get to take care of the baby," Toby said, picking at his bandaged fingers a bit. He almost looked shy talking about this, as if he was going to get yelled at because it was technically his fault she was going through this.

This was all a bit impulsive. A child would be raised in the middle of nowhere, away from the world and society. They wouldn't have to worry about being hurt or unfed. She would get to raise the baby with Toby...

Y/N pressed her hand against her stomach with a sigh. She was still trying to decide how she felt. Something between tired, scared, and excitement? Y/N put her cheek on Toby's shoulder, closing her eyes for a little bit.

"Where are we gonna put the baby? There's barely enough room for the two of us, and we have only a few days to prepare," Y/N asked a bit worriedly. Toby's lips drew into a thin line, and he looked around the cabin's very cozy interior.

"I could get a baby room," Toby said, fiddling with Y/N's hair.

"You mean a nursery?" Y/N chuckled, glancing up at him with sleepy eyes. Toby's cheeks burned red with embarrassment.

"That's what I meant to say," Toby replied quickly, looking away. Y/N shook her head at his goofy attitude, and she closed her eyes again.

Toby let out a breath of relief. This has gone a whole lot smoother than he thought it would be. He rested her head on top of Y/N's. A sudden voice flickered into his mind—a voice that wanted to torment him with a dreadful thought.

"You'll end up just like your father."

Toby's heart sank as a series of horrid, blurry memories flashed through his head, each worse than the last. Toby's heartbeat rang in his ears, and his vision tunneled. His breathing went slower and slower as his heart rate went faster and faster. Y/N's voice cut through the trance with a machete.

"Toby, you're squeezing me too tight." Y/N's had one hand on his chest, trying to get a little bit of air from his vice grip. Toby blinked away from the borderline panic attack, and he let go of Y/N. He hadn't realized he was squeezing her so tight, and he already felt bad for doing so.

Toby apologized, scooting a little bit away to give her some room. Y/N looked at him confused, and she scooted back toward him. Toby expected her to move away, not closer, but he didn't object. Toby put his arm around Y/N again, a million anxieties making his head swim.

There was only one voice that truly stuck out.

Just like your father.

Just like your father.

Just like your father.

Just like your father.

Just like your father.

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