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Toby creaked the door open with his hatchet. His coat and pants were sprayed with ruby-colored blood. The goggles that rested on top of his head dripped with the same fresh crimson that stained his clothes. The soles of his boots were covered in mud from the freshly rained ground. He had a dull look in his eyes and in his mind. A fresh numbness from the night's kills swept over his form. At least the job was done—for now.

He mindlessly kicked off his boots near the door and stepped inside, locking the door behind him with a click. The house was quiet—so quiet that it almost made his ears ring. Toby peeled off his coat and goggles, tossing them on the table.

The voices were appeased; he could rest now.

Toby moped his way down to the bedroom. His thoughts still seemed hazy from the effects of adrenaline that were slowly leaving his system. His hand opened the door slowly. The light from the hallway bled into the room, where Y/N was passed out on the bed. Her chest was lifting and easing with each soft breath in her sleep.

Toby gently set his hatchet in the corner of the room, making sure to be as quiet as possible. He shut the door behind him and took off his shirt. He crawled into bed next to Y/N, feeling a slight relief that she was okay. Y/N rolled over in her sleep, facing Toby. Toby stared at her face, the pale light making her features glow. He pulled her against his chest. Her heartbeat was pumping the sweet life force through her—the same life force he had taken away from the multiple police officers who trespassed in his forest.

Toby's fingers twirled in her hair as he started to shut his eyes. He could smell the faint shampoo in her hair, which was a lot better than the smell of dirt and blood. His thoughts soon drifted into sleep.

Y/N woke up in the middle of the night. She looked around to see that she was on the ground in the middle of the woods. Her body filled with dread, and she glanced around. Pine trees towered above her like mountains, and everything was quiet. She sat up and tried to speak, but anything she said got stuck in her throat. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she saw something unnatural.

A tall figure, one that could have been at least 8 feet in height. It had no features and was paler than white. It wore a formal black tuxedo with a black tie. There were eight black appendages that snaked out of its back and looked like they were dripping black ooze.

Y/N tried to move, but her muscles were frozen as the being approached. She felt herself start to sob as the being was feet away from her. The being's tendrils curled around her throat and skull, crushing them in the process. She could feel pressure building in her head, cracking her skull. She screamed and cried until she felt warm, calloused hands on her arms.

Y/N's eyes shot open to see the outline of Toby's face in the dark. Y/N's face was stained with tears, and her throat felt dry, along with throbbing pain in her head. Toby looked concerned, and he gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze.

"Y/N, It's okay; it's just a dream," he murmured, brushing the hair from her eyes. Her forehead glistened in sweat, and she took a trembling breath. She couldn't express the relief of seeing a familiar face. A few more tears fell from her eyes, and she scooted herself closer.

"My head hurts." Y/N put her hands on her temples and applied pressure. Toby sat up with her in his arms while rubbing her back. He pressed his lips against her temple. Y/N wiped the tears from her cheeks, resting her head on his shoulder.

"What happened in your dream...?" Toby asked, running his fingers through her hair. Y/N took a deep breath and started to explain what she saw, but the dream became blurry in her thoughts. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she struggled to remember her nightmare.

"I forgot." Y/N rubbed her eyes with one hand, pushing the blanket off of her waist. Toby's hand slowly retracted from her as he tried to figure out what to say.

"Do you want to stay up a little longer?" Toby suggested. Y/N nodded, trying to collect her bearings. Toby said, "Okay," and he looked around the room. His eyes caught on the plush raccoon he had gifted her, and he grabbed it, offering it to her for some sort of comfort. Y/N looked at the raccoon before slowly taking it, though her expression still seemed troubled. Toby noticed the stuffie didn't help much, and he got up to get her water. He poured a glass of ice water and brought it to her, wanting to somehow help her. He didn't know much about comforting people through night terrors, but water at night was always good.

Y/N accepted the glass and took a sip. It was refreshing at first, but the icey taste soon turned into a warm, metallic substance. Her face twisted into a queasy look, and she leaned over the edge of the bed, spitting onto the hardwood floor. The same black ooze came out of her mouth. Toby's face went pale—more pale than normal.

"What is that!?" Toby shouted in alarm, taking the water away from her and putting it on the desk. He took Y/N's hair, holding it back while she spat the rest of it out.

"I don't know." Y/N's voice wavered, and she started to cry again. The dread and confusion were starting to get to her. She spat more of the thick liquid onto the floor, her hands trembling.

Toby sat next to her, looking at the pile of muck on the floor. His face curled into disgust, then anger. His anger wasn't towards her, but it was projected at whatever the hell was doing this to her. Who would do such a thing?! The audacity of whatever was happening made Toby feel protective of Y/N.

"It's aright, just let it all out," Toby said softly, pulling a few loose strands of hair away from her face. He was just as scared as Y/N. Nothing like this has ever happened to him. The worst he's had was just throwing up some blood. Y/N shuttered and squeezed her eyes shut.

"There's no more," Y/N said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. The goo on the floor soaked into the wood floors, and when Toby got the chance to clean it up, it was gone. Toby let go of her hair, maveling in fear at the revelation.

Toby let his hands fall into his lap, his mind reeling. Y/N used her trembling hands to wipe her face. Toby leaned close to her, his rough hand on the small of her back. Y/N felt herself lean into his touch, pressing her face into his neck. A wave of warmth washed over her, and her eyes went half-lidded.

Y/N breath brushed against his neck, making his eyes widen in surprise. Her soft lips pressed against his skin, kissing his jaw. Toby paused, his face turning red. He leaned away from Y/N, confused about the sudden change in mood.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Toby smirked, putting a hand on her upper arm. Y/N stared at Toby, her eyes darting down to his lips.

"What do you mean...?" She asked, her words coming out slowly, as if she were confused by her own actions too. Toby looked surprised as he saw the look in her eyes—a lustful look. His stomach turned as he tried to keep himself calm and collected, despite the heat growing in his lower region. Y/N went in to kiss him, this time on the lips.

Toby grabbed her wrists and pushed her down, pinning her to the bed below them.

𝐀𝐦𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 (Ticci Toby x FEM reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ