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(Btw the art as nothing to do with the plot, lmao)

Detective Jardine put the car in park. The eerie forest was enough to make his own skin crawl, and after years of the crime scenes that he's seen, that was a difficult thing to do. The trees felt off, like they were watching his every move. Jardine couldn't say he liked being out here, but with how desperate he had become, there was no other choice.

McKenny and Jardine had gone out to the woods themselves. If the station wasn't going to help solve the case, then he would do it himself. It took a lot of convincing to get McKenney to tag along, but he managed. They got out of the car, shining their flashlights around.

"This place gives me the creeps," McKenny remarked, shining her light up at the trees. Jardine noted what she said, and he turned his back to her, looking around for any signs of anything.

"Hey, McKenny, did you get the names of those missing police officers?"" Jardine asked.

No answer.

He spun around to see nothing. McKenny was gone. Dread washed over him like a wave in a storm at sea. He flashed his torch around. If this was some kind of joke, it wasn't funny in the slightest.

"Officer McKenny!?" He shouted into the abyss of foliage and forest. Jardine's breath was heavier, and he pressed his back against the car.

A twig broke, and Jardine's head swung in its direction. The forest was dead silent. Jardine clenched his flashlight in his right hand, looking in every direction out of the fear that ran through his veins. Jardine felt something cold wrap around his neck. He dropped the flash light, trying to pry it off, to no avail. The cold appeandage got tighter and tighter, and his face started to turn purple. As his vision was darkening, he felt pressure around his head that was crushing his skull.

Before he could get out another word, his neck made a loud snap.

Y/N's eyes slowly fluttered awake, and she stretched her muscles. Her body aches from the night before, making her groan in slight pain. The room was illuminated with the morning's glow that spilled in from the windows. She rubbed her eyes with a yawn.

Toby was not beside her, and when she noticed this, she sat up. Y/N looks around the room, and her nose is caught on the scent of breakfast. It smelled like toast and maybe a little bit like maple syrup. She stretched before lying back down on the bed. She felt so tired that she would have fallen asleep if it weren't for Toby opening the door.

Y/N looked up to see Toby with a tray of goodies. It looked like toast with a chocolate spread that was topped with strawberries and some sausage links. Toby smiled, setting the tray down on Y/N's lap.

"What's all this?" She asked, glancing between the tray and Toby. Toby sat next to Y/N on the bed, leaning his head on her shoulder.

"I made you breakfast," Toby said with a slight stutter. Y/N couldn't help the smile that formed in her face.

"I thought you said you couldn't cook." Y/N took a delectable bite of the toast, savoring the taste.

"I had to watch a bunch of videos to see how to cook the stuff," he said, pointing to the sausage and toast. "You wouldn't believe how easy it is to burn toast," he chuckled. Toby took one of the sausage links and took a bite of it. "At least it's not poisoned," he smiled.

Y/N leaned her head on top of his, eating away at the breakfast given to her. Despite her soreness, she felt so comforted and loved now. There was nothing that could make this better.

After wasting a few minutes of the morning relaxing and chatting, They both got up and decided it would be nice to make this shabby cabin a bit more homey. Y/N started by putting her new stuff away. It was starting to feel like more of a home than a murderer's hideout. Y/N started to organize the cabin to her liking, and Toby didn't mind it. He was a messy person who didn't really take the time and effort to organize the cabin to his liking.

Toby went into the bedroom and felt around the top shelf. He took the ring and pocketed it. Y/N was still sorting the tupperware and dishing in the kitchenette, so it would make more sense. Toby took that to advantage and scavenged the drawers of his desk. It wasn't all the jewelry he had stolen from the people he killed, and there was many. He put all the stuff in his pockets and slid his boots on as he headed for the door.

"I'm going to go do some normal stuff outside." Toby said it awkwardly with one hand on the door. Y/N chuckled, setting the stack of plates on a higher shelf.

"Okay, have fun?" She said this, leaning against the counter. Toby was about to step out before she washed a question. "Would you mind if I moved some of the furniture around?" Y/N asked. Toby shrugged.

"Yeah, you can do whatever you want," he said, giving her total creative freedom. Toby went outside. It was a nice day-not too breezey or too sunny, but just nice enough for the trees to sway and for the birds to chirp.

Toby went to the small shed behind the cabin that he had yet to show Y/N, and he opened the doors. His ATV was covered with a tarp, and it was tucked away in the corner. On the other side of the shed was a work bench that had a weapon sharpener attached to it. He had a few different knives and tools along the wall.

Toby poured the contents of his pockets onto the table. Silver and gold chains, rings, bracelets, and different colored stones glimmered on the table. Toby pulled up a chair to the desk and started to work, dissecting the jewelry into pieces so that he could make his own. It's something he hasn't done before. Toby thought it would be a fun challenge. Plus, he didn't want to practice throwing his hatchets because he used to do that every day.

Y/N pushed the couch to the other side of the room, along with the table. She put the TV opposite it, which really cleared up the space and made it more open. She was probably going to be even more sore tomorrow from doing so much, but being in the cabin was like a breath of fresh air. Y/N didn't have to work or worry about her ex-fiancé, Brad, trashing the place. She simply had to make her new home comfortable to her liking. She's in a new situation that I'm glad to be in.

Y/N went to get something to drink after working so hard to make the place homey. She cracked open a can of her favorite soda and took a sip. It took a moment to realize that the soda had turned into a disgusting, salty substance like it had many times before. This time, she swallowed; it was a shutter. She felt as though she couldn't get the taste out of her mouth. The sludge in her stomach was not sitting right at all. She rushed to the bathroom and ended up puking it all up. A sense of relief washed over her, as the nasty taste was out of her system.

She stood up to wash her hands, but she spotted a small, rectangular box on the counter.

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