More Moments #4

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Lauren - Dad I have a question.

Me- Ugh...go ahead.

Lauren - Why you gotta be like that? I'm serious. It's about genetics.

Me- Oh God. What is it? 

Lauren -Okay. If a girl can't have babies does that trait get passed on to her kids in their genes?

Me- Get out of my house.  Go pack right now.

Lauren - Why? What did I do? Oh stop it you love me I'm not going anywhere.


Lauren- Dad quick has September passed already? 

Me- You're giving me a headache.

Lauren- Quick! 2015! Has September passed already?

Me- How could you not know? What month are we in right now?

Lauren-I don't know I don't have my phone!


 Lauren- Dad is it true that donut holes do not have any calories?

Me- Ugh... here we go again. Are you talking about the actual holes in the middle of the donut or those things they sell at the donut shop as donut holes?

Lauren- What's the difference?

Me- I'm gonna take a nap.


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