I'm just used to it

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"Oh my god why does blood have to come out of my vagina! Why can't it be something useful like money? Who designed this?"


"Hey Lauren have you tried that broom stick challenge? Where you can balance the broomstick only today because of the gravitational forces today? NASA says to try it."

"Nice try dad, you sweep the kitchen."



Lauren- Hey Dad, how come you don't get anxiety like me?

Me- I do get anxiety.

Lauren- Really? I've never seen it.

Me- I've had it really bad for 22 years now. I just learned to live with it.

Lauren- Oh okay. You think it will ever go away? 

Me- Doesn't look like it ever will. 

Lauren- Okay. Wow. That's crazy. 

Me-  Yeah. So, what do want to do for your birthday today?

Lauren- I don't know. Let's go eat. And can I have a beer or something to drink?

Me- I don't see why not, you are 22 years old after all.

Lauren. Okay, thanks.

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