More moments #5

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Me- Hey let's go get some breakfast. I want pancakes.

Lauren- We can't get pancakes. 

Me- Why not?

Lauren- It's summer.

Me- So?

Lauren- Well, they're seasonal. Aren't they?

Me- Get in the car. We are going to IHOP before I change my mind. 


The other day we were in the car and Lauren was with me. She was listening to her music on her phone with her earphones. All of a sudden I see her messing with the volume control on my car radio.

Me- What are you doing?

Lauren- Trying to higher the volume on this thing. 

Me-Is it working?

Lauren- No. I told you not to buy me the cheap headphones.

Me- Yeah, sorry about that. How bout trying the volume control on your phone and not my car?

Lauren- Oh, yeah, my bad.


Lauren- I'm going to give my children numbers instead of names.

Me- Uh Okay. Why?

Lauren- Just sounds cooler. Like 247.

Me- Exactly how many kids do you plan on having?

Lauren-Oh I don't know. Or maybe I am just going to make up names so they can have original names.

Me- Like what?

Lauren- Antares.

Me-That's a star in the Scorpius constellation.

Lauren- Oh okay. How about Bellatrix?

Me-That's a blue star in the Orion system.

Lauren-What about Gemma?

Me-Well that's not an uncommon name. Plus it's a star in the Corona Borealis. 

Lauren-Damn I thought I made all those up. Instead I am just an expert on stars!

Me-You didn't even know they were stars! You just forgot we saw a show about constellations a few weeks ago on the History Channel and wanted to give your kids names you thought you made up!

Lauren- Too late. I'm gonna be an asteroidologist. 

Me- An asteroidologist? 

Lauren- Yeah. 

Me- I am going to have you sterilized. 

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