Conversations through closed doors #3

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Lauren - "Hey dad!"

Me- "Hey Lauren!"

A few moments pass.

Me- "What did you want?"

Lauren- "Sorry. You threw me off by answering me like that. I don't remember what I was going to say."


Lauren - "Dad!"

This one sounded different so didn't respond I just got up and ran to her room. I was about to open her door when she yelled again.

Lauren- "Don't open the door!"

Me- "What happened? Are you okay?"

Lauren- "YES, GET MOM!"

Me- "Why can't I help?"

Lauren- "Get mom!"

Me- "Okay. Wait. Are you stuck in your sports bra again?"

She once got stuck in her sports bra while trying to take it off too fast. I was not there, but I heard she was found with one elbow pointing straight up at the ceiling, her face half cover covered with the bra, and a nearly dislocated shoulder. lol

Lauren- "Get mom! Hurry up!"

Me- "You're stuck in your sports bra again aren't you?" (I was laughing by this time)

Lauren- "Stop laughing I can't breathe and my shoulder hurts! Get mom! Go get her!"

Me- "She's not here. Just run at the wall real fast and you'll get loose."

Some silence as I'm sure she was seriously considering what I said.

Me- "Hey, I'm kidding don't do that. I'll go get your mom."

Lauren- "Hurry!"


Lauren- "Why did you have me?"

Me- "Have you? Like as in why were you born?"

Lauren- "Yes."

Me- "The truth?

Lauren- "Yes."

Me- "As I remember it I was too cheap to get a condom. They were kind of expensive back then."

Lauren- "Dad! You're gross!"

Me- "You asked for the truth."

A little bit later

Lauren- "Dad! I want a fajita botana platter! I'm hungry!"

Me- "No. Those things are expensive."

Lauren- "You never learn do you? Bad things happen when you're cheap."

Me- "Beef or chicken?"

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