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Now you are not going to believe this, but Lauren and I will once in a while have very sophisticated conversations about all kinds of things. Our all time favorite topic is the nature of the universe. We often have conversations about how the world will end and time travel. She keeps track of solar flare activity, NASA mission updates, and, well, mermaid sightings. Believe it or not there is an app for mermaid sightings. 

Anyway, she is crazy about science shit. We have watched the movie "Interstellar" at least 10 times and are on the verge of figuring out the mystery of the space-time continuum. Well, maybe "on the verge" is a little strong. We'll keep watching.

Oh yes, my point. Lauren can handle only small amounts of pondering the big philosophical questions. Too much talking science just gets weird, especially if you are talking to your school friends.

 Too much talking science just gets weird, especially if you are talking to your school friends

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