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I guess everyone of us have things that annoy us. Lauren hates it when I say  "You don't even know !!!!!" in a high pitched voice. That's just me imitating her. Every time I would say something when she was younger that was her response "Dad, You don't even knoooow!!!!!" and the she would storm off. So now I do the same to her when I think she doesn't understand what I say. It pisses her off. 

For some reason she hates the song "Everything is Awesome" from the Lego Movie. To be honest it is annoying as hell. So of course I carry it on my phone. When she storms to her room or just gets all upset about something (really anything, she's a girl, they do that). I push a button on my phone and play it. Of course I must be prepared to run when I do that. It really pisses her off. I posted the song up above. Play it for your kids. Let me know how it goes. 


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