Conversations through closed doors #4

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All these conversations took place while Lauren was in her room and I was in the living room watching TV.  She needs someone to talk to.  Please someone be her friend. lol


Lauren- "Dad!"


Lauren-"Prince Leia is dead! Everyone is dying this year!"

Me-"Yeah, that happens. The year is not over. It's only going to get worse."

Lauren-"Dad? What if God dies?It will break my heart if God dies."

Me-"......uh what? God can't die babe."

Lauren-"Yes he can. Everyone else is dying. I don't know what I will do when he dies.  I don't think I will be able to take it."

Me-"What the hell are you talking about? God can't die!"

Lauren- "Yes he can. He's very old. It's only a matter of time."

I don't know where this is coming from. I figure something is wrong.  I get up and go to her room and knock on the door. I open the door and to see how she is doing. I see that she is watching the movie "Bruce Almighty" on her T.V.  I get it.

Me-"You were talking about Morgan Freeman weren't you."

Lauren-"Duh. Who else? I don't want him to die!"

I close the door and walk out.

Lauren-"He can't die!"

Me-"Oh shut up already!"


Lauren-"Do you love me?"

Me-"I'm not going out to get you a Whataburger."

Lauren-"That's a no then. Got it."


Lauren- "A meteorite just almost hit the Earth! They say it was as big as a house!"

Me-"Right now?"

Lauren-"Yes. It was closer than the moon!"

Me- "How close is the moon?"

Lauren -"Don't start."

Me-"How do you know one just passed?"

Lauren- "I have an app."

Me-"So it tells you when one already passed?"


Me- "What the hell good is that?"

Lauren-"Reminds you that it's good to be alive dad. Duh."

Me- "Tacos reminds me it's good to be alive."

Me and Lauren at the same time. -"Let's go!"

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