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I'll be the first one to admit that we (Lauren and I) have a sense of humor that is a little, shall we say,  fucked up. Sure, we once in a while laugh at things normal people laugh at, but for the most part we find things funny based on our own experiences together. We therefore often make fun of things that, on it's surface might look cruel or mean, but there is usually a good reason for it. Nope, sorry, can't back that up. We are just weird together. 

In the text below I had taken her mom to the doctor because she had not been feeling well and I texted Lauren while in the waiting room and she did not skip a beat with her response. Disregard typo.

And her mom is right

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And her mom is right. We are both asses. But I think Lauren and I just need to joke about it every once in a while. We need to laugh about things. There is enough crap in this world to keep us down. We have to make fun of each other. We have to laugh at each other. It keeps us sane. 

Minutes after this text I let Lauren know that her mom had the flu. Her response? "Wow, okay, bring me some hot Cheetos."

That's just the way we roll. 

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