Chapter One

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"Nom's breakfast is ready get out of your book for fuck sakes!" I look up to see my brother fussing over me, "THERE WILL BE NO SWEARING IN THIS HOUSE!" Our father has never been one for fun and swearing. "You know he hears everything!" I laugh, and get back to reading my book, 'Game Of Thrones.' Before Stefan snatches my book, and runs off. I sigh, and decide to change into my leggings, boots and a black t-shirt, with a denim jacket and brush my hair, and teeth.

"Morning dad, Stefan." I glare at him as he pretends to burn my book, I throw a knife and it skins his hair, I have always been one for weaponry, one of the reasons I love game of thrones. "NAOMI! YOU KNOW I DONT LIKE YOU DOIN THAT!" He has always been intense since mothers passing, I should be more sad really. "Calm down Michal." Stefan tried holding in his laughter as did I.

"Come on Noms, are you going to the party tonight?" I pulled a fake grin, then frowned. "I can't, you know that Kiara! I am grounded like for life since I threw a knife at my brothers head, and called my dad by his first name." We burst into a fit of giggle, when the bell ring. "You will get through it, you always do." I sigh, and leave for class, first is double math, where I unfortunately have to sit next to my ex, Tristan.

I sit down, and hide my phone under the desk, texting Kiara. "Hey, you know how we like broke up?" Tristan leans near me, his black hair covering one of his blue eyes, he was extremely hot. "Yeah, I do. Just say away from me, I don't want to fuck you, you will never be my first ok?" He stares at my blankly, full of lust. I sigh, and continue texting Kiara.

The bell rings, and it's the end of the day. There is a party that Kiara is going to help me sneak to. We drive home, and I drop my bag, then we leave early.

The party begins, and I am already drunk, and Tristan is constantly at my back. "Don't ya get it mate? She ain't interested!" A guy screams, I turn to see a hot guy with blond hair and brown eyes, he has no top on and a six pack. Tristan storms off when I wrap my arms around the guys shoulders.
We walk up the stairs, and we lay in the bed. His kissing me down my neck, and I'm liking it. I stay in my clothes, only pull my leggings down, then nothing but black.

I wake up in a lovely room, old style furniture and a balcony. I look around, and I'm on a lovely bed, little did I know I had company, I roll over to see someone with golden hair, and green eyes with a crown slumped on his head, behind him a women, beautiful with long golden hair, she looks like him with a twisted smile. Dayum he is hotter than channing tatum I think. "Where am I? And who are you?" I rub my eyes, and sit up. This is strange, they are identical to Joffrey and Cersei Lannister I flinched as the man, no boy touched my cheek with a rough hand. "How dare you not know your kin and queen." The women says sharply, I start to panic and sweat. "Am I in Kings Landing, Your Grace?" They just laugh at me, "Why of course. And now let's get down to buisness, but first I will have some hand maidens dress you so you are presentable." They both leave me with my thoughts, this is a dream, just wake up I say, over and over again.

"M'lady, we have the perfect gown for you." A beautiful foreign girl says, she is really more of a women. "Ok then." I get up, and she puts a really long dress on my, like those in game of thrones. It is blue, really tight and a bare back, with metal designs on my chest whic was silver, and neck but has no material at my chest, leaving a lot of cleavage. I liked the gown, it was nice.

I entered the kings room, which was glorious and big. I took a seat at the coffee table. There was a tension. "So, your Lady Leena's daughter, or house Storm right?" HOW DO THEY KNOW MY MOTHERS NAME? "Yes, my Queen. I am Naomi Storm," then I remembered I was back in Kings Landing, I had to act it. "First of my name, and Lady of the Storm lands..." I added, they looked at each other, and smiled. "Right, if you are who you say, what is your house sigil?" Cersei furrowed her perfect gold brows. "The White tiger, your grace. And the flag is blue, with a grey tiger drifting away I a storm." I said, hoping to get it right. I was making it all up, Joffrey grinned at his mother. "Tell her mother!" He looked at my bare chest, and glared lustfully, I was feeling uncomfortable. "You are to marry my son, your mother signed a document when you but a babe, you are of age, and I expect you have bled?" I hesitantly nodded, and they grinned. "You are to marry tomorrow, we have everything ready and you will have a son in you by the next day, am I clear?" Cersei said, I nodded, fighting the tears away.

A/ N Ok, boring start but there is more to come! I apologise if this is a bad start, I promise I will make it better

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