Chapter Thirteen

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It had been 2 months since the Braxtons visit, and currently I'm screaming in agony as I birth my next child, preying for it to be a girl to the seven. "One mre push, you can do it!" Lila my mid wife said as she pulled my baby out. I screamed loud while clenching my fists real hard to take some pain away. I pushed once more, to the relieving sound of a baby cry. "Its a girl, you grace." I smiled out of joy as I was handed my baby in a Storm blanket I had made. It's grey with a blue trim and my sigil in the middle. "Thank you" I smiled at my blonde haired green eyed girl. when Joffrey entered. "Joffrey, its a girl" I smiled, he walked over, this time a bit more intrigued than the last child we had. "Hey name?" He asked, "I was thinking...Aurora" he smiled, meaning for once he approved. "Aurora Baratheon Storm Lannister."


"My Lords, My Ladys, I am proud to introduce your first true born" 'Or not trueborn' I was thinking "Princess! Aurora Baratheon Storm Lannister. She will have beauty far greater than any, she will have grace and poise like a Queen, she will be the fairest upon women and she will be loved by all." Everyone cheered her name as we left the throne room.

"Please, My Queen, you must stay in the nursery tonight. She was up all night for the last three days, and she needs her mother. Do what ever you have to so Joffrey will let you" Kiara begged, "Yes Kiara, and I told you call me Naomi you aren't just my baby's wet nurse but you are my friend. As close as family comes, you are family." She smiled at the complement, while handing me my beautiful daughter. "Hello Aurora," I poked her nose and she sneezed cutely which followed with her crying of fear. So I nursed her until she fell asleep, then made my way to my quarters where no doubt Joffrey was cleaning his crossbow once again, and checking the aim. "Joffrey, I would like it if you would allow me to stay in the nursery with Aurora tonight. She has been up all night, and Kiara cant get her to sleep-" "-Then we will hire a better wet nurse, that can can do there job properly" he urged, "Please, Joffrey she needs her mother. It's bad enough you wont let her stay in our room for the first few months. Denying her mother at the times she needs me most is brutally cruel," he then pointed the crossbow at me, and I didn't doubt he would fire considering he had stabbed me 9 months ago and beat me before that. "Joffrey! You dare shoot me now I will tell the whole seven kingdoms what you have done! And I will join the Starks rebellion with you heir!" He looked scared, but angry while he stood up and walked over to me. "You dare threaten your King!" "You are my husband not my King, and I will treat you with respect once you gain some. You need to respect your wife as a woman not a peasant!" He laughed a bit at this, I don't even know why. "You do have the anger of a Storm, I can see it." I was confused for a minute before he continued, "Fine, stay with the child but if you threaten me again I will make sure you stay in this room for the rest of your life, you got it?" I nodded as I grabbed my Storm chest I threw some night gowns and day dresses appropriate in there I also grabbed a pitcher of wine and a goblet.

I had finally set up the nursery with my things, and finally got Aurora a crib of her own. She had been using Stefans' usually but now she has one. The bed is only double, but it will do.  "Hey Stefan, this is your little sister Aurora, yes it is," he giggled as he bounced up and down on the bed. I have been un able to introduce them in the few days since she was born. He had started talking a little bit, "Mama where's Dada?" I got out. "Dada is busy right now Stefan, he is doing King stuff, helping to keep bad men from entering the walls around us," I knew that wasn't true. His probably off torturing some innocent but Stefan is too young to know that. "A-Au-Raw-wa" he said to his sister. "Aww, good job Steffie," he clapped to himself after.

"My Queen, its urgent the Former Queen Regent, she has fallen ill!" Quick to go see my mother in law, I left my children with Kiara as I ran to Cersei's quarters where she lay in her bed, looking pale with her sons hands clutched to either one of hers. Tommen was crying, while Joffrey looked stunned. I took my seat near Joffrey and held his spare hand reassuringly. "What happened?" Is all I could get out, "She was poisoned, by Tyrion! I'm going to kill that Imp!" Joffrey exclaimed. "H-how do you know it was Tyrion?" Tommen just clutched harder to his mothers hand while Joffrey glared at me. "I'm positive. First he killed my grandfather Tywin!" Looking down I gasped, "woah. Will she live, Pycell?" I asked the old Maester. "It would seem so, the only problem is that she will be very weak, enemies from all over Westerosi will be able to get their revenge, I uhh strongly suggest guards and one close to Cersei who she trusts stay with her, day and night," We all nodded before the Maester left. "Any word of where Tyrion is?" "If we new, he'd be dead" Tommen exclaimed for the first time.

After visiting Cersei, I went to the nursery. What I saw, shocked me. "Hey! Get out of here now!" I screamed at the faceless man, he turned around and I saw it was Theon Greyjoy? "Theon Greyjoy what are you doing at my babys' nursery?!" No answer. I walked towards him while pulling my little dagger out of the hiding place under my gown on my thigh, and held it to his neck. "Why are you here Greyjoy!" He put his hands up, "Woah, calm down. I was just sent to kill the heir," "By who!" "Not telling. That's the whole point of sending me," his voice was shaking and his hair frizzy. "Ramsy Snow! He sent you" before I knew it, Jaime entered in a rush to help his Queen and neice-daughter-in law. I let go of Greyjoy once Jaime got close enough to grab him, then made my way to Aurora's cot, I picked her up, then ran to Stefan cot, he looked up at me smiling. "Come on," I picked Stefan up, and held his hand as I also carried Aurora.

So sorry that was so bad! But I sort of had no idea what I was doing you know? So, this is the last legitiment chapter before the Epilogue. There will be a sequal coming out shortly, you will just have to wait and see! Thankyou for staying with me through this whole book, even if it was boring.

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