Chapter Eight

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Naomi's POV

I screamed, but when I turned, Jaime fucking Lannister was holding me. "It's you, the King is looking for you." He traced his index finger on my face, "maybe I could get a taste you," I squirmed. I was forced to turn around, and I watched as my father was stabbed, and left for dead. I cried, I mean I only just met him, but we had a good connection. The Lannister guard I noticed as Meryn Trant, walked over to Stefan and picked him up. "No NO! GIVE ME MY SON!" Jaime looked over at Meryn and shook his head. "Now Trant, the King won't want his heir dead would he?" I sighed in relief.

I was thrown in a carriage, with Stefan, who I am currently breast feeding. "Your almost one, yes you are." I played with his little fingers, and he slowly drifted to sleep. I sighed, and reared up, knowing I will get punished for running.

2 days later

"My Queen, we are here." A guard announced, I took a deep breath, and stepped out of my carriage, carrying Stefan.

I walked in the red keep, with Ser Jaime at my heels, and landed at my bed chambers. I walked in slowly, and as I did Stefans wet nurse, Kiara took Stefan, and left. We had finally had a nursery put in. The door closed, and I trembled. I have never been this scared of him, he was holding his cross bow, it was aimed at me. I stepped forward, and he looked so mad. "Please, just-" "sit down!" I obeyed.

I sat, just to be lifted up, and shoved against the wall by an angry, lustfull Joffrey. He ripped my gown off, and I only had my under garments on. He cut them off with his dagger, and through me on the ground. I cried and begged him to stop, but it just got worse.

"Bend over." I shook my head, and stayed sitting down, naked and crying. This infuriated him. "I SAID BEND OVER!" I trembled as I obeyed quickly, and he strikes my bare butt, with his sword, using the flat end. He constantly hit me over and over, leaving cuts behind with blood dripping. I sobbed.

I ran over to the bed, stabling myself as I went. I sat down, and leaned against the bed head, it was a dark wood with the new Baratheon/Lannister house. Joffrey had changed it to a Stag of Baratheon on two feet, facing a Lion of Lannister. "P-please no m-m-m-ore." I stuttered as he walked over to me. He took his shirt off, revealing his abs, and slid his breeches off. I looked away as he sat down next to me, and pulled the furs over himself. I felt humiliated, sad, but most of all angry, I was about to build a life with the two most important people in Westerosi, Stefan and my father, Darren.

Joffrey pushed me so I was lying down, and he sat on me, grasping my hips in his tight grip. "Mhmm," he moaned as he did so, and I squirmed, "please not tonight," I squealed. He slapped me, this is just getting old. "I have missed this," he said as he thrusted deep and hard. I went to scream, but I was shut up by his lips on mine. He went to make it more passionate by putting his tongue in my mouth, so I bit down on his lip, and kneed him where it hurts the most. "I said no!" I screamed, he groaned in agony, but then glared at me. "Would you like my uncle to come and hold you down?" I shook my head, and obeyed once again. What am I to do, he is the king for crying out loud!

"Good, now since you disobeyed me," he looked a combination of amused and excited like a little kid. He pressed his lips up to my ear, "it's going to be much worse." I screamed as he pulled a dagger from underneath the bed, and held it up to my cheek, tracing it around my body. I trembled, while watching the blade go all over my body. He finally pressed it deep into my stomach, making blood spill over. I grasped my stomach. "No, tha-t could k-k-kill me! No please please stop!" I screamed again, he dropped the blade on the floor, and entered my body. I cried as he went deeper and deeper. "Please, d-ont, stop!" I screamed as I slapped his bare chest, "I am going to put the seed In you," he growled, lustfully. "It won't w-work, your just made my body damaged!" I yelled, he pinned me down, and grinned, laughing to himself.

"I will make it work, every night until it does! And you will not leave these castle walls so help me if you do," he closed his eyes, and clenched his fist on my waist, "I will kill you!" He growled, before I blacked out.

"Mi'lady, wake up, you have been sleeping for days, the king is on a hunt" I looked at 3 women, one of them was Shae, one was a nurse named Kenna Kiaras sister, and then their was Kiarra with Stefan. "Mi'lady, you were badly injured, found in your room with a stab wound. If you were a peasant or poor, you would be dead of infection, but your not. The King says it was a robber in the night," Kenna started, "no," I sobbed, "no it was no robber, it was Joffrey!" They all gasped and looked at each other, "no you can't tell him, or anyone even his mother wouldn't be able to stop him, please, please d-d-d-don't tell him!" I begged, Kenna took my hand, "you have my word, I won't tell anyone, even if I die for it," everyone else nodded in agreement.

They had all left, Kenna had told me she was curious to see weather I was with child, so she sent for a mid wife. Soon enough Kenna and Lila came rushing in, with all their medical equipment. Kenna took the bandage off my wound, and cleaned my stitches. While Lila searched my stomach for any child that might be there. "M'lady, you are with child." I put my hands to my head, and sobbed into them. "Please no, what have I don't wrong to deserve this!" I cried as they hugged me. "I want to see Stefan, please Kenna." Kenna nodded, she was an age of 18, her sister only one year older, Lila is 17, and Shae 16, so we are all close in age.

That's it, thanks for sticking with me even if this is the worst fan fic ever! If you comment any names I like, and a gender I will make twins, I already have one picked out!

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