Chapter Eleven

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"Find who did this! Find who did this and bring them to me! I'l have their heads!" Joffrey screamed over the crowed, I was shaking, scared. "Ser Jaime, who other than you is a trusted, skilled swordsmen to look after my son while we look for who ever did this." Jaime smiled at this, as if being honoured for once. "I would be honoured, My Queen." I nodded to him as he took Stefan from Kiara and walked out the door with Ser Lancel.

"Find any suspect, even the tiniest suspition they shall be in chains! And a trial in the sight of the seven, my grandfather Lord Tywin shall lead it, and no one leaves Kings Landing!" I nodded to my husband, who weirdly seems to care about me at the moment. "Why would someone do this to our Queen? Especially while she is to have a child." The lady Olenna Tyrell said ashamed. "Get all the guards at the Queens and the Kings chambers, Lancel, Trant and myself shall stay with the prince, and make sure Tommen has a guard too." Jaime told Tyrion and his father. "Find any suspect and bring them to us, Pycell give us any record on who purchased any ingrediants in this poison and bring them to the King immediately, Lord Tywin you will be the head a the trial, understood?" I demanded to everyone and they nodded. "Your learning well, My Queen." Oberyn Martell complemented me. There were mutters from around the room of suspects, I also heard someone being thankful im not like Cersei. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Have you got the records, Maester Pycell?" I was standing by Jaime, who I have grown quite fond of surprisingly since he has taken care of me and my son. "Uhh, yes here Sir Jaime, My Queen" Pycell bends over and pulls a piece of parchment from his dest, as he goes to hand it to Jaime he drops it. "Uh sorry, Sir" Jaime looks at me frustrated, as he picks the parchment up, and I struggle not to laugh. "Thankyou Pycell you have been very helpful today" I walk out before he could say another word, because 1 leads to 2 which leads to him telling his life story, he is much more annoying in real.

"Here you are Lord Tywin, the records. I will leave you and my beloved husband in charge"

"Very interesting, the trial shall be held tomorrow."


"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to find the attempted murderer of my wife, Queen Naomi, The hand of the King my grandfather lord Tywin Lannister shall be the judge in my stead."

Joffrey came next to me in the audience as the first witness is brought to the stage, to my surprise its..... Cersei?!

Tywin looks just as surprised as I am as Cersei death glares me. Joffrey seems a little insecure as his mother may be the attempted murder of his wife. "Cersei of the house Lannister, who is the Queen Naomi of house Baratheon former house Sharp to you?" Cersei has to think for a while, then puts a voice as soft as silk but as sharp as a blade. "Why must I answer this father? You know me you kno-" "-Answer the question!" Tywin demands of his daughter. "Queen Naomi is my daughter by marriage, her son is my grandson, she is the love of my sons life. I would never" she glares at me, "murder her." "Maester Pycell informed me you purchased a deadly poison that was in the wine glass of Naomi Baratheon, why did you take this poison?" Cersei looked confident "I merely had to send it off to a friend in the free cities, he is there to murder the so called Mother of Dragons." Tywin nodded, and with that Cersei was found not guilty.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have been through 10 suspects, all not guilty. The next suspect i am surprised to see one of the kings guard, Gwayne the Gaunt. (Not in the shows this is made up :P) He is a huge, strong man nearly twice the size of the mountain, he has thick black hair and an angry facial expression. "Sir Gwane of the house Harvard, you have recently purchased the deadly poison, Night Shade, what was the purpose of this?" Gwayne just grunted, "Fine. I didnt try to kill the Queen, I mean i had to kill her in the process of killing the child in her. It was said the child will be a girl, and that she would be the fairest of them all, but with that comes great powe-" Before he could finish he was take to the black cells.

A/N So sorry its been so long! But I have had serious writers block, and sorry its short and bad I just didn't want to leave it too long. Sorry again, and if you have any ideas you want me to add just DM me.

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