Chapter Twelve

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Sorry guys, I skipped a bit because you know why not? I also decided to skip Margaery's wedding sorry! And so sorry I took so long I havent updated since last year! Woah! Anyway, enjoy!

I slumped onto my bed tiredly, while reaching back to untie the bow on my gown. I was thinking of the ways I would punish those who have wronged me and my family, and oh they are going to pay big time. Joffrey, he has been trouble at first but I had been hearing murmers of how I had tamed the beast, and how he was now a normal functioning human being. I disagree. He has still been just kind on stage, but evil behind doors. He still has me most nights but since I am with child soon, he cant. Lucky. Sighing as I jumped off my bed, I pulled on a robe and made my way into the bath chambers. Joffrey was there. "Joffrey," I bowed my head in respect, "My Lady" he grinned up at me as I pulled off my robe and got in the warm, rose scented water. "So, have you heard any word of Rob Starks arrival? Murmers from my ladies in waiting and hand maidens say that he has 20 thousand men at his heal, and that he is ready now more than ever," his grin turned to an angry frown, "and you believe them?" shaking my head, I tried calming him down by giving him a pouty face, it just made him angrier. "How is it my own Lady, MY QUEEN believes in the STARK!" He screamed, scaring me. "Joffrey, your scaring me" he turned to me, but not himself, the old Joffrey is all I saw, the one that made me cry every night th one that scared me the most. Then he did the one thing I haven't expected in ages, he slapped me. "My king, please don't do this now" my hand made its way to the little 6 month bump and I rubbed it slightly. "You dare tell me what to do, I AM THE KING!" He screamed, "Joffrey stop! This is ridiculous, just please stay calm!" I demanded him, so he got out and changed into his purple and gold doublet. I soon followed and pulled my red Lannister gown on, and my hair was plain curls pinned back.

I had nothing on today, so I decided to go out and see Margaery, since she had a child with Tommen. Word has it they had done it before the wedding, but I don't believe that. "Margaery!" I hugged her while she held her son, "hello there" I poked his stomach and he smiled, "this is Damion, Damion Baratheon" I smiled "perfect name for a perfect boy." I smiled at her. Kiara came in with Stefan and handed him to me. I smiled at him when he made a little excited noise. "How old is he? Stefan is already 1 and 6 moons" I said in awe. "Damion is already 3 moons, im so sorry I didn't tell you earlier but he was born in critical condition so you understand right?" I nodded. "So, I received a letter moons ago, from Sophia and Dikyn Braxton, the ones Joffrey moved from Dorne to Winterfell. There son Hunter just turned 3, they sent a request of marriage to my next daughter, I haven't told Joffrey but I invited them up. They should arrive within days at the most" Margaery looked at me as if im crazy. "What? I had to. They are of good lands, and we need more allys." I informed her.

"My Lady, My Queen" Lancel greeted while puffing after what seemed like running for miles, he continued "Sophia and Dikyn Braxton have arrived they say that they wish to see you and the King." I gulped looking at Margaery, then I made my way to the throne room with Lancel. Kiara quickly grabbed Stefan, and I left.

I entered to Joffrey talking to the both of them. "My Lord, My Lady" I bowed my head to them. "My Queen" they both bowed there heads to me. "My King" I pecked Joffrey's cheek hoping for him to be in a better mood. "I see your time is near, my Queen. I hope you will accept my request" I smiled at the man, "yes, Dikyn I shall wed my next daughter to your son, if my husband wishes" Joffrey grunted a bit, "sure what ever. I don't care I have better stuff to tend to" I glared at Joffrey and his lack of care. The Braxton's were traumatised at there King. "Come this way, it would be my honour for you to meet my son."

We all entered the King and Queens chambers, aka my chanbers where Kiara was nursing Stefan. I took him from her arms, then she left. We sat at the little coffee table on my porch, drinking tea. "Isn't he just the most beautiful child I have ever seen" Sophia complimented in her rich Dorne accent. "Yeah, takes after his father." I smiled. "Well, I'm sure when you have a daughter she will be as beautiful as you are just" Dikyn informed. "Yes, I'm sure she will."

We bickered on and on. I mean, they are around 20 but we still talk maturely. It was signed on paper that my first daughter will be married to there first son, no getting out of this now if I am to be honourable, like my mother before me I will be as the Storm I am and die with dignity like my father Darren. "Well then, it is settled." I marked it down as my first daughter with Hunter Braxton when they both are of age. "Thankyou for the request, My Lord, My Lady. I apologise for my husbands lack of interest, he has just been.....busy lately with the so called King In The North" they both scoffed at that, "well now that we have Winterfell, we shall never let the traitor back in." I nodded in agreement, meanwhile feeling upset considering Rob and the Stark's are my favourite characters and the best family. "Maybe once you travel back I could send Sansa Stark with you, I mean she has never done any treason and Joffrey tortures the poor girl here. I'm sure she would find a perfect suitor and she would want to see her old home and any remaining items from her child hood like the weirwood tree in the godswood. Would that be okay with you?" They both looked honoured, "we would love for Lady Stark to accompany us on our travels and I shall make sure that she has a decent chambers with suitable clothing and a suitor, you have my word" Sophia promised. Sansa will be so happy when I tell her.

A few days later I was on my way to tell Sansa to get ready as she is moving back home, when Joffrey bumped into me. "My love, why are you out so early?" He looked at me angrily as if it was obvious. I was just a bit jumpy because I'm going behind his back. "I'm the King, King of the seven kingdoms to be exact and not to mention there is a rebellion going on, I have a lot of work to do if you will excuse me" luckily he left without the answer I was afraid to give, so I went on my way again and made it to Sansa's quarters. "My Queen" she curtsied, "Sansa, der don't you may call me Naomi. I have some exciting news for you, "she couldn't even smile, as if she had never smiled and doesn't know how, it kills me. "The Braxton family as you know travelled here for business. I decided that you will go back to Winterfell with them as the Lady you once were and you will find a suitor and start a family," she first looked sad at the memory of her home but once she realised what I meant she we ecstatic, jumping up and down then she hugged me. "Joffrey is not to know about this. If he does, he will punish you so do not tell anyone do you understand?" She nodded constantly in a yes manor.

I snuck Sansa and her Tully/Stark chest into the carriage that she will ride in with the Braxton's so Joffrey would not see her. Or anyone. Then, I stood with my husband and son watching the Braxton's depart. Stefan grabbed my hand giggling and smiling while he stomped each foot around. After a while of waving good bye we went back in the throne room, to announce the betrothal. It was strange, some people were...mad? Yeah, mad but we don't know why. Some were excited for the little princess on the way to be wed, some say its not fair for a princess to marry someone of 'low' lands and riches. I say if we link Braxton's to Lannisters, not to mention Storm's and Tyrell's we will be unstoppable and win the games.

Sorry for a bad chapter I just had to update! I hav had serious writers block so im thinking that after the next chapter or two I might put the book to an end. Don't get upset because there will be a sequal ! Anyway sorry again, hope you enjoyed this short bad chapter anyway.

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