Chapter Two

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I wake up, and get off bed, dredding this day. I mean, who other than me knows how horrible Joffrey is? I get dressed, in a lovely blue gown. (The picture Is the gown.)
My hair was some simple braids going threw it, and then pinned up with loose curls hanging down. "Thank you, what is your name?" She looked at me through the mirror, "Shae, M'Lady. If you want you hair down, just pull this pin, and it will just be down with the braids and one plat." She curtsied and scurried away. I took a deep breath, and left.

When I got to the sept, I was shaking. Who will give me away? I looked to my right to see Tywin Lannister approaching, that would answer my questions. I took his arm hesitantly, and he was quite freaky. The doors opened to reveal hundreds of people here to see the royal wedding, and Joffrey at the end, looking smug as ever, although he was quite handsome, we walked down the aisle, this is not what I expected of my wedding, I thought, I wanted to be walked down the aisle by my dad, with my brother watching and my future love at the end, but no, it had to be the evil king Joffrey.

I reached the stairs, and parted from Tywin thankfully, but only to link arms with Joffrey, and walk up the stairs with his tight grip. I wince a bit, then get to the High Septon. He wraps a cloth, binding my right hand to his left hand, "In the sight of the seven, I seal these two soles, binding them as one. You are one heart, one flesh, one soul." There was a slight pause, "look upon one another, and say the words." We face each other, and I gulp my fear down and stand straight, and we begin.
Stranger" we both begin, looking at each other. "I am hers, and he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days." The high Septon speaks up, "you may now cloak your bride, and bring her for ever under your protection." I turn my back to Joffrey once the cloth is taken off my hand, and Joffrey takes his Baratheon cloak off, which is gold with black fur over the shoulders, and puts it on my shoulders. We turn to the crowd, hand in hand, and we hold our hands up. People call out our names, then Joffrey silences them with a hand up and smile. "With this kiss, I pledge my love!" He calls, before planting his lips on mine. We then walk down the stairs, and run out the sept with our hands together.
*************************************We enter the feast, and my hair is now down. I take a seat next to my new husband, and he puts his hand on my thigh, rubbing it slightly with his tight grip. I blinked the pain away, knowing I will have to get use to it. 'The rains of Castamere' began playing, for the first time and Joffrey took my hand. "Would my lady like to dance?" He dragged the word my out, as if being possessive, like Tristan use to. Why am I thinking of him? I stopped myself thinking about Tristan, and nodded to Joffrey.

We got to the dance floor, and Joffrey put his hands on my waist, and mine on his shoulders. "I have never danced." I muttered, and he grinned looking at my bare chest. "Well I guess you will just have to hold on. And why would a lady of your standards have never danced?" I was shocked, "Of my standards, Joffrey? What does that mean?" I was angry with him. "Of your ranking, your a high born, Naomi." I nodded slyly, I was shy. I moved as he directed, and his grip only got tighter. I winced in pain after 5 songs had passed, and it's now 'the bear and the maiden fair.' Joffreys grip loosened, yes finally I thought, freedom, but my face dropped when the announcement happened. "MY WIFE IS GETTING TIRED, BEDDING CEREMONY!" Before I could protest, I was lifted in the air, being carried away.

We got to my new bed chambers, and were dropped on the bed as they left for more food and wine, I could briefly hear their chanting. I got off the bed, and started to unlace my gown, trembling a bit. I pulled off my gown, only in my under garments and started taking them off. I hopped on the bed, and held on to the edges as Joffrey approached me, getting on top of me, grinning like a child in a candy store. I sighed, and let him enter me roughly, and I winced. "Please be more careful!" I pleaded, I also had forgotten what happened that night at the party, I had completely blacked out, maybe nothing happened. I shrieked in pain, as he continued going fast and rough. I gripped the edges of the bed, digging my nails into the wood. "OWW!" I cried, he just moaned. And smiled at me being hurt, "I-I know Wh-at y-you did to-to la-ady s-s-sansa." And I did, my knowledge from reading the books and watching the series. "And you won't speak of that!" He growled, pushing in hard. I screamed in pain, and he laughed at me. I started slapping his bare chest, and he pinned my arms down. He grinned at me, and slapped my face left to right, right to left. A tear streamed down my face, "what If I carry your child? Surely you can't beat me then?" He glowed red down at me, "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT, IM THE KING!" He snarled, "AND I AM TO BE YOUR QUEEN!" I spit back. I throw him off me, and roll over. "Have a good sleep." I say through gritted teeth.

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