Chapter Six

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After waiting for what felt like hours, Joffrey strode in with his armour on and kings guard surrounding him. Then the crowds poured in. The high Septon took Stefan from me, an I felt sad and untrusting.

"Let it be known in the sight of the seven that Prince Stefan of houses Storm Lannister and Baratheon will be the one true heir, the next king of the andals and the first men, lord of the 7 kingdoms and protector, of the realm!" He paused and held Stefan up. "Long live the prince!" Everyone repeated it, "Long Live the prince!" I smiled and held onto Joffreys hand smiling. He looked over angrily at me. "What is it?" I teased.


She took my hand and I looked at her angrily. "What is it?" She teased. I took my hand from her and shot her a glare. "Don't touch me!" I snarled under my breath. I watched as the little slobbering ball of skin was placed in my wife's arms, and she smiled sincerely at him. I rolled my eyes, like who cares about a little kid that does nothing but eat sleep and shit?

I left the throne room and handed my crown to my squire, Daniel. I slump on my bed when she walks in, with pleading eyes. 


"Hold your child!" I demand, holding Stefan out. He sighs, then takes him, he holds Stefan away from him and I scowl. "NO! Please, do this, not infront of your son and heir! You help take care of him, or you don't get any of me." I gesture to myself, and he instantly holds Stefan supporting his head and back. I smile, "Thank you." I kiss his head, but it makes him angry. "Don't touch me! You don't touch me, I touch you!" He growled, looking at my bare chest. I reach for his cock, and grasp it tightly. "Oh no, im touching you better cut off my hands." I tease, and Stefan finally falls asleep. "Here." I took Stefan, and put him to bed. I walk over, tracing my index finger along the furnature, giving Joffrey seductive glares. He obviously has enough, and grasps my waist, throwing me on the bed. "I will have maester Pycell get you some moon tea, at least until that little ones first name day at least." I nodded in agreement, then grasped my hands on his shoulders. I peck his lips. "Lets have a...." I think and pick my words carefully, "....A rough night." I wink at him and his eyes widen, Then he rips his breeches off, and I pull my night gown off. I smile up at him as he enters me, kissing my neck at the same time. I moan, I mean I couldn't get back to my old life, they must think im dead or something. But I do have to research about my house, Storm, but research I mean read. I start calling out in pleasure, scruffing my hands through his golden locks. I end up shoving him off me, and sit on him. I start to move up and down slowly, and then go faster and faster. Joffrey sits up and kisses me, as we move together, colliding our lips as we go. I bite his lip softly, and then get up.

"Hey, where ya goin?" Joffrey groaned, I turned slightly, and then picked up a new night gown, this one was a silk white one which climbed to my body. I gave Stefan a kiss on the forehead, and made my way over to my bed. I lied down, and fell asleep instantly, I was exhausted.

Joffreys POV

I woke up, and left the room. I was bored, so I decided to go pick on my little brother, although he is really weak for a 15 year old, and I am ashamed he is even my brother. I entered his chambers, and there he was playing that fugly cat of his, I picked the cat up by its tail, and held a dagger to it, and Tommen was screaming.

"NO NO! PLEASE JOFFREY STOP!" He cried, and I laughed. He reached up, took my sword from my belt and pointed it at ME, I laughed, he cant sword fight for shit. But he knocked the dagger from my hand, and snatched the cat away.

I grasped my brothers neck when he put the cat down, and it pounced out the window, I slammed him against the wall. "I'm going to kill your cat, and wear his fur. And, I am going to mix it up, and put it in your food so you don't know your eating it!" I growled, Tommen looked scared. "Then, I'm going to throw your head on a spike." Someone barged in though, so I couldn't finish. "JOFFREY!" Mother growled. "PUT YOUR BROTHER DOWN!"

I stormed out the room, I mean who tells the king what to do? King can do as he likes! I entered the room to that baby crying, and Naomi is nowhere to be seen. I sighed, and picks him up.

Naomi's POV

It was the most adorable sight, Joffrey holding Stefan, and better yet he didn't notice me. I placed my books on the desk, and cleared my throat. "Oh, Naomi your back." I came and sat next to them, and took Stefan. I walked over to a chair, and placed a blanket over my shoulder, and over Stefan's head, and pulled my gown down a bit at my chest, and breast fed Stefan.

After I fed him, I took him to go see Cersei, she was desperate to see her first and only grandchild. I knocked on the door and the knights talked through the door. "Your Grace, it's the Kings wife-" I butted in angrily. "With all due respect, I am the Queen now not just any commoner, If you would excuse me Cersei would like to see her grandchild." I snapped, an they bowed "my Queen." They answered, opening the door as I entered, and closing it.

"Cersei, I have someone you would want to see." I smiled down at my child as I passed him to her. She had a twisted genuine smile on her face. "Isn't he just a beauty, already with the Lannister hair. He will be some king one day. How old is he now?" She looked up, "he is 7 moons old." I replied with a smile. "Would you mind taking care of him while I take a walk through the gardens?" She looked up puzzled. "What about Joffrey? His father? But yes, I would be honoured." I smiled at my little babe. "He is out hunting today." I wasn't really going through the gardens, I just needed to read.

A/N sorry so short! And not that good, DM or comment any ideas, I would love to hear them, or read them whatever! Thanks for reading, stay tuned and vote! Also, I am going to make a new story called Love Me, Don't Hurt Me, go check it out.

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