Chapter Ten

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A/N SOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! BEEN SO BUSSY! Anyway, here it is. Be sure to give me feedback, and feel free to DM Me or comment suggestions for the story, im getting iny writers block so maybe you could help me out?

After Joffrey leaving for a small council meeting, I had some time alone thankfully. I was at least a week or two in with child. As I wondered the halls of the red keep, I bumped into someone. Oh no, trouble is here. The people didn't notice me, it was Varys the spider and Littlefinger. I hid quickly, and hid Lancel and Jaime behind me. I listened as they spoke, "The kid must die, Varys. You know just as well as I that it will be just as bad as his father, if not worse, we just need to make sure that the girl doesn't have any boys until the King dies, you know well enough that Tommen Baratheon is the better choice." Little finger said, I stepped out as did Lancel and Jaime. "You two are here by under arrest for treason in trying to kill your Prince." Lancel took Varys, and Jaime took Littlefinger. I have wanted Petyr Baelish to be arrested for so long. "Come on."

Baelish still had his smirk on as he was locked up, but Varys showed no emotions. "Have your best guards on watch, and not just one. Have atleast 5 good strong guards, these two are sly." I demanded, and they oeyed. I left with just Jaime, I had sent Lancel to get the guards. I got a little dizzy as I walked, and stumbled, I stabled myself at the wall. I stood there for a moment as my sight went blurry before I blacked out.


I woke up in what looked like my chambers, it was dark and Joffrey was asleep next to me. I got up, and noticed Kenna's voice, "You should rest, My Queen, you have been in sleep for 2 days now." I gasped. "Well thankyou, Kenna. How is my son?" "Well, Ser Jaime is guarding and Kiara is taking care of him. We have moved his name day feast to tomorrow, since you were out." I nodded. I quickly sat down on the chair, and dismissed Kenna. I rested back, lit a few candles and took a pitcher of wine. I took a long swig and sighed as I put it down. I mean, someone wanted to kill my son, the prince and the one true heir, well technically he isn't a baratheon I knew that but still. "What are you doing up?" Joffrey grumbled, "I-I don't know." I replied. "Couldn't sleep I guess," "Well, get back in bed!" I sighed as I blew the candles out and lied down next to Joffrey, and finally sleep over took me again.


The sun shon threw the windows and Joffrey made a lot of noise getting ready, I finally realised he was purposely trying to wake me up. So, I did what any loving wife would do and obeyed by getting out of bed, only to notice my night gown was on the ground. Great, he ad his way with me when I was sleeping. "Your-My-Joffrey, Joffrey why must you take my nightgown off in my sleep?" That question he didn't answer. "I have a small counsel meeting, be sure to be in the great hall for Stefans name day feast." He grunted as he got frustrated with doing his doublet off, so I pulled on a red lannister gown and made my way to him. "Here," He let go and stared at me as I gently tied his doublet up at the front. I finished my pulling the strings tight and sliding my hands off them. I looked up to my husband towering over me, and we looked at each other for awhile before he blinked, and moved his head away and walked out the door. I brushed my hair, and left it to flow down my back.

On my way through he halls with Ser Jaime, who is know my personal permanent guard at my heels. I really don't like his cocky look, his cocky laugh, and most sertainly I hate his cocky comments. But he was one of the best in the realm, not to mention we are bound by blood so he was trust worthy, I know how much he loves Cersei, and Cersei loves Joffrey, Joffrey is married to me and not to mention im kinda growing on Cersei's short line of trust worthy people. "Thank you, Ser Jaime." I said as he stopped outside of Stefans chambers. "Shae! Kenna! Kiara!" I squealed as we all hugged. "My Queen, is it alright if lady Sansa joins us?" Shae questioned. "Lady Sansa of house Stark," I said with a plain expression, I could see her face drop as she thought I would hate her like Joffrey, but I quickly changed my emotionless face to a smile, "It would be my honour. You are an inspiration to us all, your the reason I can put up with my," I looked around, and quietened my tone, "My devil of a husband." I looked down, "Your father was a good man. And I wish your brother good luck, word is spreading through the castle walls that his wife, Lady Telisa from Valantis is with child." Sansa smiled brightly with sadness in her eyes as she thought of her father and brother. "I plan on marrying you to Ser Loras." She jumped with glee as I said this. "I have secretly sent the request to High garden moons ago, but it must stay between us. If he accepts, he will ask for your hand tonight at the princes feast infront of the royals, you will accept and I will bless the wedding. Maybe we will wed our children when they are of age, with the Tyrells byside us and the heir to Winterfell, we will win the game of thrones." "Isnt Lady Cersei marrying Ser Loras, and I am to marry the Imp My Queen-" "-Oh no, Sansa dear please do call me Naomi. We are of equal bloodlines, no matter if people call your family traitors I know the truth, I was their the day he was accused. And two, Lady Ollena refused as well as Loras, and three there would be no point considering the Tyrells are marrying Margaery off to Tommen. And I cancelled you and Tyrion, he is not fit to marry." Ok, I lied. But I was their in my mind, I always pictured myself the perfect character for Game Of Thrones. "But My Que-Naomi, you married the king." I took her hands, "I don't mind. Between us girls, we are all equals even if 3 out of 4 of them work for me." She nodded in agreement.


The time went pretty quick, we joked, gossiped about the hot knights and guards of the castle and even of the former Queens words, mocking her.

I was sitting infront of my mirror in my lovely Baratheon dress. It was matching to Joffreys doublet, it was a black dress with the golden crowned stag of Baratheon, a gold trim, the neckline was a low rounded cut, the dress flowed behind me and was longer at the back, the sleeves stopped at my shoulders pointing out, the metal work on the inside of the fabric kept it steady with the cut the went inbetween my breats, down to my waist and around to the back. My hair was two braids from the centre of my head at the front, around to the bottom of my head into a plait, the rest was curled and pinned up on top of my head loosely, and draped at the back. My crown was placed on at the end, and I stood up and spun around, admiring my look. "You look beautiful." Kenna Beamed.


We entered the great hall, we meaning me and Joffrey. Our arms were linked and I used my right arm to hold my dress up slightly to walk. We sat at the royal table, I was next to Joffrey, Cersei and Tywin, Tommen next to Maergery and Ollena next to Maergery, Sansa next to Loras and Mace Tyrell next to Loras. The first course was served, it was like what we had on the wedding, honey chicken and salad. Kiara came in with the guest of honour, Stefan, who was in a little doublet like Joffreys, and a big smile on his face as he saw everyone looking at him. Joffrey was in a black doublet, with gold splashes and a cloak which was on his right shoulder, it was black with the gold crowned stag and of course the lion of Lannister. Myrcella was sadly sent to Dorne weeks ago, Cersei was still mourning her. "MY WIFE HAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!" Joffrey silenced everyone, standing up and tapping his fork to his silver wine goblet. I stood up proudly, "My lords, My Ladies, knights and guards. I, Naomi S-Baratheon, and with child." Everyone cheered for me, and I sat back down. From the corner of my eye I saw Joffrey go to drink his wine, so I joined him but as I was going to drink it, I smelt something that wasn't wine so I stopped. "Joffrey, theirs poison in the wine, someone tried to kill me."

A/N OK, there it is. Sorry if its shit >.< but I will make another chapter shortly, sorry to make you wait so long! Ok, DM Me of comment ideas if you like, to help me out.

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