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It had been 13 years now, and Aurora has aged beautifully. She is almost a grown woman at 13, Stefan has finally learnt sword fighting and I have another son, named Alex, he s a true Storm with the dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Stefan, is 16 already betrothed to Sansa's daughter to some Lord I have never heard of, he name is Lyanna Sansa had named her after her aunt. Aurora, as beautiful as ever with long golden hair and green gems for eyes is now 13 on her way to 14, all ready to birth a child which I will not allow until she is 17 at least and Alex is 12 with an attitude like his father, Stefan I had taught to be kind and he shall be a fair and just king already loved by all but since Joffrey was older, he was able to turn Alex just like another replica in personalities. Today, we send Aurora to Winterfell, I just pray she will be safe with the Braxtons'.

Aurora's POV

A tear falls out my eye when Stefan runs over to me and gives me a tight hug and a reassuring smile. "I don't want to go, Steffie. I fear he will be a monster," Stefan hugged me again "I swear it to you, sweet sister, that if he hurts you he will be punished when I become King. Just be strong, take this to remember me" He handed me a pendant necklace, with our mothers house sigil on it. He clipped it around my neck, then hugged me one last time. My father came next, he just said bye then left then my mother. "Mother, promise you will visit, promise" she put her hands on my shoulder, before promising, "I promise, my daughter" she smiled at me before embracing me tightly. Then I let all my tears out, I quickly said goodbye to Alex and gave him a hug before we all departed, for me to get in the wheel house to get to Winterfell.


We rode for at least a month before we entered the Winterfell gates to the Braxton family in a line. My first time in the North, and its now my home.

Sorry for a short chapter! Thankyou for reading this book all the way through, and I promise to have the next book up for reads within days, a week or two at the most. Don't forget to go back and vote some chapters to make this story more popular! Thankyou for all your comments CaitlynRoseLockwood, I appreciate them very much.

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