Chapter Four

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I wake to a blury head and felt nauseas. I sat up slowly, taking a goblet of water, and sipping it slowly, until I noticed Margery Tyrell, Joffrey and Loras standing their.

"Uhh hi? Why are you here?" I asked trying to be as polite as possible. "Our grandmother insisted my sister and I wait for you to awake, your family is close to the Tyrells." I nodded slightly. "What happened and how long have I been here?" I saw a tiny bump on my stomach, and I feared the worst. "One week, my love." Joffrey took my hand in his tight grip, smirking happily. "Send for mother and I will announce the news." Joffrey told Loras, and he nodded before going on his way. I knew what this meant.

After a few minutes, Cersei barges past the guards with Loras at her tail, which neither of them liked. "Mother, Naomi is with child." My jaw dropped, not in a good way, and Cersei was happy. "What would you want it to be? I mean boy or girl?" I hadn't had much thought of this, "I think I would like a little boy, with beautiful golden hair, but with the eyes of a tiger, like my Blue ones." I smiled, an they waited for me to continue. "He will be the greatest king that ever was, with his fathers strength and my wisdom, he will be a loyal and loved king by all, and will wed a beautiful lady." I smile at everyone, but Cersei isn't to pleased with my 'speech.' Margery claps her hands together excitedly. "Bring them in!" She demands to a Tyrell guard in silver armour with a rose engraved on it.

The guards enter, Tyrell ones, all carrying boxes and furniture. "I know it's early, but I got you a few things from High Garden when I knew about your wedding, I was just waiting for the time like this! Your with child im so excited!" Maybe I could find the good in this, I mean Cersei did say you may never love Joffrey, but you will always love his children. So that's what I'm going to do.

I hop out of bed, and look at everything Margery gave us. There are baby blankets, clothes, beautiful toys and a cradle which is up to my waist. I hug her tightly, "thank you, Margery. And I heard that you were to marry Tommen?" I smile at her sheepishly. "He is quite attractive don't you think?" I smile at her and she nods, and we giggle. "What did you say about my brother?" I turn to Joffrey, and he is not happy. "He takes after his brother of course." I walked over to Joffrey, and took his hands in mine. I peck him on the cheek softly, "no need to worry." He grinned at me, then Tommen barged in. (I am making Tommen like 15 instead, and Margery 16.) He is holding a little puff of fur in his arms, it looks like a little kitten. "Get that little cunt out of here!" Joffrey demands, it's about the kitten. Tommen frowns at his brother, and turns to me. "I got you something, I heard you like animals, and since your my sister in law." He handed the little black female cat with sharp green eyes. I smiled and took it. "Thank you, Tommen." I smiled at him, "Shadow." I smiled at the cat which rubbed against my body. "That thing I feral, I will kill it-" "NO! Sorry, Joffrey, no don't!" I hugged the cat to my chest, "where did you get her?" Tommen smiled. "Ser Pounce and another cat had a few babies, I left the rest though." He smiled proudly, then tucked his hand in his shoulders facing his brother. "I will skin your cat alive, and mix him in your food so you don't know your eating him!" Joffrey screamed at his brother. I sighed, and dismissed everyone. "I told the princess I would go see her before she leaves to Dorne." I smiled at everyone, and put my cat down.

I entered Myrcellas chambers, and no doubt she was brushing her hair. "I don't want to go to Dorne! My mother doesn't want me to either! Joffrey won't do anything though he doesn't care!" She cried running up and hugging me. "I'm sure he does care, but the Martells are no one to cross, they are powerful. He also has a lot of kingly business to do, I will try keep you here I promise." I kneel down to her. "Do you want some exciting news?" She nods, "your going to have a niece or nephew." She smiled brightly. "Can you name it after me if its a girl!" She says excitedly. "Aww, that's so cute but I am afraid I cannot, but my second daughter will be named Myrcella." I smile and she returns it. "Want me to do your hair in an Eastern style?" Personally I know none of them, but will do styles my mother taught me before she passed. "Yes!" She ran to her mirror, and sat down.

I took a seat behind her, and brushed her golden locks. Then I decided to go with a braid style, it was four braids going into one plait, with the rest o her hair down, and I weaved some flowers in her hair. "You look more beautiful than ever, fit to be Queen even." I smiled at her. "Thank you! But your Queen, an your much prettier than me." I shook my head. "Nonsense, your beautiful just like your mother." Someone cleared their throat behind me, and I turned around. "Cersei," I bowed my head down, and she did the same. "Naomi. I didn't expect you to be here, not while a court is going on, the king I looking for you." She smirked. "Yes, Cersei I will go immidiatly." I scurried away, and soon found my destination with 4 guards at my heal, ready to attack.

I walk up the steps, and stand next to Joffrey who seems amused by a man singing and playing a string instrument, about former king Robert. Oh no. "Do your worst, il have your ugly head. Your no way near as murderous as, the lion in my bed. King Robert lost his battle and. E failed his final test. The lion ripped his balls off and, the boar did all the rest." Lion he means Cersei I said in my head as Cersei frowned, behind me.

Joffrey started to sarcastically clap, slumping to the other side of his throne. "Isn't it a funny song?" The man looked terrified. "It must of played better in that tavern." The man stood up. "I'm sorry your grace, I will never sin it again." Joffrey looks amused. "Tell me which do you favour your fingers or your tongue? If you got to keep one which would it be?" The man stands, terrified. "I could just cut your throat." I gulp hard, and keep the sickness in my stomach. "Every man needs hands, your grace." Joffrey smiles, "tongue it is then Ser Illyn who other than you to carry out the sentence?" The scary bold man nods, taking out something I don't reconise and holds a dagger on a fire, as guards take the pour man, holding him back. "I'm done for today, come my lady." He takes my hand, and walks up to a door.

He takes me outside, and leads me to a maze. We get to the centre, and no one is here. "Joffrey?" I question as he pushes me against a wall, kissing my neck. "Mother said we can still fuck for a few weeks..." He begins to kiss down my neck, I couldn't help but moan in pleasure, but I realise what he wanted. "Please, my love, can we not just enjoy a lovely day with a walk?" He groans, and buckles his belt back up. "Yes, what ever my lady wishes." He moves, and I go to leave but he spins me around, and slaps my hard causing me to fall to the ground, grasping my cheek.

Joffrey is back! I mean back to evil. How do you like it so far? Maybe DM me some ideas if your want?

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