Chapter Three

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I woke up facing Joffrey, and slowly throw my legs over the sides, I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be home, I even missed Tristan! I make my way to my dresser slowly, and pull out a Lannister gown, personally I hated it, it was like Cersei's red one, with a gold trim and the Lannister lion on it, with a gold peace at my stomach, and metal shoulders going a little off with a point, it made me look like a queen. Today was my crowning ceremony, but I am getting a all new crown.

I sit Infront of my mirror, while Shae styles my hair in an elegant Knott. I leave to the throne room early, and circle the iron throne, tracing my fingers on it. Just sit on the damn thing, one half of my head says, don't do it, you will get to in only a short amount of time, Joffrey will kill you! Is my other half, so I decide to just look at it.

"You want to sit on it don't you?" Cersei says from behind me, and I turn instantly. "I would love to, My Queen. But it is not mine to sit on." I give her a warm smile, although hers is as cold as winter. "You look like a Queen should today, I am glad your not in those filthy rags that you use to have." I bite my tongue, as not to say a word. "And I'm sure my son will have put an heir in you last night, did he not?" I nodded, fearing the memory. I still had bruises on my face, waist, arms, chest and nearly everywhere. Cerssi smirked as Te evil women she is.
*************************************I was standing at the centre up Infront of the iron throne, and the high Septon was speaking of my duties and that for being Queen. "And now, we crown Naomi of houses Lannister, Baratheon and Storm. First of her name, Queen of the andals and the first men, Queen of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm." A servant rushes up to me, with a red pillow with golden trim, and a crown on it. It was gold, with a tiger at the centre, with a gem the same as Joffreys above the head, and golden details around, it was gorgeous and sat in the middle of my hair, and clipped to the southern knott. I placed it on my head, and all the lords and ladies kneeled. "Please rise." I hold my hands in front of me, and they all rise. "I vow to be a good Queen. To help who needs help, and know my citizens. I will be just and fair, I will see any mercy that is to be seen." Everyone starts chanting my name, "Naomi! Queen Naomi! Long live the Queen!" They chant. I smile, and turn to Cersei who looks jealous as they take her crown away, to melt it down.

We leave for the feast in my honour, and I take a seat gracefully next to Joffrey at the head of the royal table, I have to say i am proud of myself. "So, Queen Naomi have you thought of any names?" Cersei asks, I like hearing her call me Queen. "Yes, well I won't go ahead with them with out my husbands consent, but I was thinking for a girl maybe Amara? And for a boy, Stefan." I was thinking Amara, for my aunt who died before I met her and obviously Stefan for my brother. "I like them, Lady Naomi." Joffrey tells me, and I smile. "Let the first course begin!" Joffrey says excitedly. Why is Sansa at our table? Or wait, yeah she is married to Tyrion, but he is already drunk over with a whore. I think. The table is:
Me Joffrey
Margery Sansa
Olenna Tyrion
Tywin Jamie
Loras Cersei

Loras Tyrell and Cersei are marrying apparently, I feel sorry for poor Loras.

The servant come out, and Joffrey whispers to the one serving to Sansa, the servant looks horrified, then nods. I begin to eat some of my chicken, and it's beautifully cooked, tender and juicy, with a crispy skin. I eat half of it, and then eat all my salad, I wanted to save room for the other courses.

Soon after, a servant comes out and puts a plate, with a metal lid on it infront of Sansa. I felt bad about this. Sansa opened it, and screamed running away. I looked horrified at Robb Starks head, sitting on a plate. "How could you-?" I shouted before throwing up. Then I blacked out.
A/N Ok short chapter, it may be bad but it's just a filler chapter, to get to the good parts! Stay tuned

The World Of Westerosi (GOT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora