Chapter 2

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Willow *1 year later*

I Woke up to the sound of my dad yelling at me to get out the bed. "Ugh.... What time is it?" I Groaned. "4am! Get ya' lazy butt out the bed!" He laughed as he sat on the bed next to me. "Why are you waking me up at 4am dad?" I moaned. "Willow. Today, it's august 7th... You know what that means!" He yelled. I Sat there in confusion before my phone lit up with a text.  Connor. "HOLY SHIT!! OMG! I'M MOVING TO LA WITH CONNOR! EEEEKKK!!" I Screamed as I suddenly got a burst of energy and jumped up out the bed as my dad laughed. It was exactly a year ago today we had that Skype call! I kept my word! I saved and I saved until I had enough to pay to move out there! and I did it all in a year! "Now get dressed and come downstairs and have breakfast." My dad smiled. I Smiled back before grabbing my phone and texting Connor.

From Con-da-bon; I Don't think I'm actually going to get any sleep tonight! I am beyond excited to see you! The last time we saw each other was like 3 years ago and I miss you so much! x
To Con-da-bon; I Miss you too!! Not long now!! It's 8pm there isn't it?
From Con-da-bon; Yeah, I Honestly can't wait to be able to come and pick you up from the airport! I'm gonna hug you so freaking tight!
To Con-da-bon; Just don't kill me! but hug me all ya' want! I've missed your cuddles ConCon!x
From Co-da-bon; I Won't kill you! I've missed your cuddles to WillowPillow! Now start getting ready for the flight! I Might get an early night as it means I will be awake when I pick you up! See you in 11 hours! Night x
To Con-da-bon; Night Con x

I Locked my phone before going to my desk where I'd folded my clothes for today as they were the only ones that weren't in my case. I Slipped into my dark acid wash jeans and my 'I believe in happy endings' crop top, then applied 1 layer of mascara before brushing out my hair and running downstairs where my dad was sat at the dinner table. "Dad! I'm moving today!! I SAVED ENOUGH TO MOVE TO LA!! I'M SO EXCITED!" I Screamed as I jumped up and down and my dad laughed. "Oh! So you're excited to leave your old dad are you then?!" He said. "Not that part, I will miss you wayyyyy to much Daddioooo!! but I will visit!" I Said sitting in the chair opposite him. "You better" He laughed. He'd supported me all the way through this decision to move out to LA. He'd known since I moved back to the UK at the age of 13 because of my mum that I wanted to move back with Con when I was older and he was so supportive and I couldn't have asked for a better dad.


It was about 9pm now and I'd been in bed for about an hour, tossing and turning trying to get to sleep, but I just couldn't, I was way to excited to see Willow. It was a year ago we had that Skype call, exactly a year for her, almost a year for me, I fucking hate time differences, they make everything so complicated. It took me around another 3.5 hours to eventually fall asleep. So I finally got to sleep around 12.30am. Thankgod for that. I Can't believe i'm seeing willow later for the first time in 3 years. My best friend. I Fell asleep with her on my mind.

Willow *3 hours later*

I Was just about to get on the plane and I was saying goodbye to my dad. God I'd miss him. I Put my hand luggage down and hugged him tight. "I Will miss you Dad" I Said, on the verge of tears, and he could tell. "Hey! Don't cry, We can visit each other, and I'm only a phone call away. Phone me when you land. I'll miss you too" He said as he wrapped me tight in his arms. "I Have to go. Bye Dad, I will call you when I'm there. I Love you" I Said with a weak smile. "I Love you too." He smiled as he let go. I Walked towards the gate, showing my ticket before they handed it back. I Turned to my dad, who smiled weakly and waved. I Waved back before walking through the gate and round the corner where tears fell. I Will miss him so much, but I know this move is what is supposed to happen. I Walked up the steps of the plane and inside where I found my seat by the window, I love window seats, I can take so many cool pictures from there. I Immediately took out my phone and plugged in my headphones and started playing Just Imagine It by MKTO. That was literally my favourite song, it had so much meaning to it and had such a meaningful, deep story behind the lyrics. I Wanted to text Connor but he'd still be asleep as it's 8am UK time,  Which means it is about 1am where he is so he'd be sleeping. I Could hear the voices over the intercom but I wasn't paying attention to it, I blocked it out and continued listening to my music and before I knew it, we were in the air. Getting sleep would help with the time difference because they're behind us, meaning by the time I would get there it would be 8am, but 4pm here. So I might as well get some sleep. I Unplugged my headphones before shoving them in my bag, taking out my camera and taking a few pictures of the clouds and the wing, it looked so pretty. Then shoved that back in my bag and leant back in the chair, I fell asleep pretty fast some how. Only 6 hours until I see Connor!

Keeping It Secret. *A ConnorFranta Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now