Chapter 13

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Willow *2 hours later*

I Was still sat in starbucks with Lila, she was so nice! She completely took my mind off things with Connor, She knows I like him, and that he 'apparently' likes me, which I still think is a pile of bullshit. I Heard my phone go off in my pocket, it was a text from Connor. 

From Connor; Hi WillowPillow, You know when you're coming home?x 
To Connor; I'm leaving in a minute, be home in about 10 minutes x
From Connor; Okay, see you soon xx

I Smiled and put my phone back in my pocket. "Lila, I'm gonna have to go, but I think Brandon is still at Connor's so you can come with if you want" I Smiled. "Sure, I'd love too" She smiled back, we stood up and left starbucks and walked back to mine and Connor's apartment. "Connor! I'm back!" I Said as me and Lila walked in. He ran out the Kitchen and tackled me in a hug. "I've missed you" He whispered. "I've only been gone a few hours Con" I Laughed. "Doesn't matter, I Didn't know where you were, and I was worried, and I always miss you when you're gone" He said. oh my god, he's never said something like that before... Everytime I see him I fall for him 10x harder, and I see him every day now.


"Connor! I'm back!" I heard Willow yell from the Living room. I Ran out of the Kitchen and tackled her in a hug. "I've missed you" I Whispered. "I've only been gone a few hours Con" She laughed. "Doesn't matter, I didn't know where you were, and I was worried, and I always miss you when you're gone" I Said. She wrapped her arms tightly round my neck and buried her head in the crook of my neck. "I Missed you too" She whispered. "Please don't ever leave for that long without telling me where you are, because it scares me, you're my best friend and I care about you too much to lose you" I Said, I didn't want to let her go. I Felt a drop of water fall on the side of my neck. Was she crying? "Willow, why are you crying?" I Asked. "Because, you mean so much to me, and I never realized how much I meant to you" She cried. At that moment I pulled back. "Willow. You mean so much to me, I care about you so much. If anything happened to you, I would die" I Said. She dropped her head in my chest and took deep breaths. "Are you ok?" I whispered. "Yeah. I Just.... Don't worry" She whispered. "Willow, what is it?" I Asked. "Don't worry, it's stupid" She said. "Nothing you say could ever be stupid to me." I Said as I rested my chin on top of her head. "Con" I heard Brandon whisper. I gave him the 'what?' look. "Just tell her, Now." He mouthed. "I Can't" I Mouthed back. "Yes you can. We'll go in the kitchen, and we'll shut the door" he mouthed again before him and Lila walked out and into the Kitchen. Shit. I Don't know if I can do this? It's now or never I guess. I Lifted her up bridal style before sitting on the sofa with her in my lap. "Willow..." I Said. "Mhm" She hummed. "I Need to tell you something, and if I don't do it now, I never will" I Said, the nerves were building up in me more by the second. "What is it?" She asked as she looked at me. There's no backing out now. "Uh... Ever since you moved here at the beginning of the week, I felt this feeling building up inside me, a feeling that wouldn't go away, Brandon noticed and ended up calling me out on it" I Mumbled. "Connor? What are you talking about?" She asked. "I Don't really know how else to put it, but." I Said, no words would come out. but I needed to do this. Now. "I'm in Love with you" I Whispered....

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