Chapter 7

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Brandon *NEW POV*

I just got off the phone with my Girlfriend Lila, I honestly can't believe Connor did that for me, I honestly couldn't ask for a better brother if I tried. I Will pay him back. I Looked over at Willow who had her head rested on Connor's shoulder, they were honestly way to Cute together, yet they don't see it, I can tell you now... Connor likes her, I don't give a crap what he says, just the way he looks at her, he's liked her for years now. "Con, can I talk to you in the Kitchen?" I Asked. "Sure little bro" He smiled standing up off the sofa. He followed me into the Kitchen. "Wassup?" He asked. "It's obvious let's be real" I Said, a smirk forming on my face. "What are you on about b?" He said, I could see slight confusion in his face, but more of the 'oh shit... he knows' kinda look. "You know Con. You like her, it's obvious!" I Smiled. "What? No. Don't be stupid. I Could never. EVER. That'd just be weird." He said, he was making it even more obvious now. "Connor, you've liked her since she left, when you were like 14 or 15. Also, you just denied it 6 times in one sentence, if that doesn't say it, then I don't know what does bro" I Said with a smile as I patted his shoulder.


"Con, can I talk to you in the Kitchen?" Brandon asked me. "Sure little bro" I Smiled as I jumped off the sofa and followed him in the kitchen. "Wassup?" I Asked. "It's obvious lets be real" He smirked. "What are you on about b?" I Asked laughing slightly, but I felt like I knew what was coming next, he was gonna say something about me and Willow. "You know Con. You like her, its obvious!" He said. "What? No. Don't be stupid. I Could never. EVER. That'd just be weird" I Said. Oh my god if I could take half of what I just said back I would. "Connor, you've liked her ever since she left, when you were like 14 or 15. Also, you just denied it 6 times in one sentence, if that doesn't say it, then I don't know what does bro" He smirked patting my shoulder. Shit. He knows. "Okay, yes, I kinda like her, but she doesn't like me and never will. I Will get over it in time" I Said as I turned around and went to leave, Brandon grabbed my arm. "Connor. Never say that. What do you mean she'd never like you?" He asked. "Well, Brandon look at her. She's Beautiful, Amazing, Real, Just perfect in every way possible. After everything I've been through and stuff, and I am far from perfect, she would never go for a guy like me. She could have a guy who could give her so much more than I would ever be able to." I Sighed. Saying it made it feel even more true. "Bro..." He said, the look on his face said it all, he thought I was being stupid and putting myself down, which was half true, I was putting myself down, but I'm not being stupid. "Con. Guys that could give her more physically, would never be able to give her anywhere near as much of the one important thing you could give her, you could give her unconditional love. That's all you need in a relationship" He said. He was talking the truth but when it came to me and Willow, I cant tell her, she'd laugh, and think I was acting crazy and would tell me it would never be. "Brandon, it'll never be. As much as I want it to, it never will" I said leaving the kitchen and heading back to the living room. My mind was racing with what he just said.


Connor came back into the living room and he had a frown plastered on his face. "Connor? What's wrong?" I Asked as I sat up once he sat next to me. "Nothing" He said. "Connor, youre lying, I can read you like a book. What's up? What were you and Brandon just talking about?" I Asked. He kept saying nothing, I know he's lying. He has never lied to me before. Why was I so worried about it? Why was I so worried about him? it was getting me really down actually as my mind raced with thoughts and before I knew it my eyes were filling with tears. This happens when I get worried, stressed or scared. I Think I'm a mix of all three right now. Hot, salty tears slipped down my cheeks and Connor looked at me. "Wil-" Before I could even let him finish his sentence I ran out the door crying. I Know why this is... I Like him, I've just never noticed it. For fuck sake! Why do I always fall for the people I have no chance with. I Ran down the street and I could hear Connor and Brandon calling my name and footsteps behind me. I Didn't pay attention, I just kept running. I Spun the Corner and ran into someone. I Looked up to be met with the familiar face... Kian. "Willow?! What's wrong?" He asked as he placed his hands on my shoulders. I Took a few deep breaths and spoke. "Kian. Can I come back to the O2L house? I Need to get away from Connor and Brandon for a little while." I Asked, crying. "Sure! Why, what has happened? and Brandon? Connors little brother?" He asked. "Yeah, I will explain back at the house" I Said. He nodded before slipping his arm around me and we walked the other way.


As I walked down the street a small girl bumped into me. I Looked down to be met with the gorgeous features I had just looked at earlier on in the day. "Willow?! What's wrong?" I Asked placing my hands on her shoulders. She asked to come back to the house and said she'd explain when we got there. I Agreed and slipped my arm around her as we walked the opposite direction. I Could hear two voices in the distance calling her name, I turned around and they weren't there, they must just be looking for her. We got back to the house within minutes and the guys instantly crowded us, along with bella. We sat on the sofa and she explained everything. "Oh my god Willow, you have to tell him" JC said. "No. No I cant do that. He's my best friend, it would ruin everything, and he'd never like me that way, look at him and look at me." She sobbed. "Willow, don't you dare ever say that again" I Said pulling her in a hug. "Either you tell him or we will" Trevor said. "Don't you dare, I swear you ever tell him I will cut each of your balls into tiny pieces and then never speak to you again!" She said. The look on her face said she wasn't lying. I Was about to say something when I heard willows ring tone. She pulled out her phone, checked the caller ID and hit decline. "That was Connor wasn't it?" I Asked. She nodded lightly. Her phone kept ringing and she kept hitting decline. Eventually it stopped. "Have you got a spare room? I Think I just need to take a nap" She asked. "Yeah, upstairs, down the hall, first door on your left." I Smiled. She thanked me before giving me a hug and walking upstairs. Bless her, hiding you feelings is so fucking hard, especially when they've been there for so long and you're only just uncovering them.

JC *2 Hours Later*

Willow had been upstairs sleeping for almost 2 hours now. I Was in the Kitchen making a sandwich when I heard my phone ring from upstairs. I Lightly jogged up the oak wooden stairs careful not to wake up Willow and walked into my room checking the caller ID. It was Connor on facetime. I Slid the arrow and lifted the phone in front of my face.
J; Hey Con, wassup? I Asked, knowing totally what was up.
C; JC! I Don't know what to do dude! I'm a mess right now. Willow broke down in tears like almost 3 hours ago now and stormed out the house! Me and Brandon ran after her but she disappeared! I Can't find her anywhere! She's not answering my calls! She hasn't returned them, she's not even texted me. I'm so fucking scared man! He said, he was balling it, breaking down into a puddle of tears. I'd never seen him this much of a mess before.
J; Connor, you have to calm down! I'm sure she's fine. I Said.
C; JC, You don't understand! I Can't calm down! She only arrived today and now the love of my life is missing! He cried and immediately slapped his hand over his mouth. Holy shit. He likes her.
J; Holy Shit Connor.
C; JC. Whatever you do, when we find her, never EVER tell her I said that, don't even think about it because I will never talk to you again. He cried.
J; I Wont bro. And Con, she's fine. She's here. I Said honestly.
J; She forced us not too. I Said.
C; I'm coming over now. He said before ending the call not even giving me a chance to respond.

That's when a sleepy willow walked in rubbing her eyes. "Jc? What was that?" She asked. "Uh... It was Con, he's on his way over." I Said. "What? Shit!" She said. "Willow, its okay, he is extremely worried about you. I've never seen him that much of a mess, he could barely speak he was crying so hard." I Said hugging her. She sobbed into my shirt. That's when the doorbell went. Holy shit that was fast.

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