Chapter 6

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We'd been sat in taco bell for literally like an hour, even though we were finished with the food after like 20 minutes, we'd just been sat talking and laughing, just being with her made me so happy. It could literally be silent with her and it'd still be amazing, she is one of those people that silence is just perfect with. Once we'd been there for about three hours we actually decided to leave, we hopped in my car before driving back to the apartment where i walked into see someone i didn't expect to see... My little brother?! "Brandon?! Oh my god!!" Willow smiled hugging him. "Willow?! I Didn't know you  were here!" Brandon smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. I Got a sudden wave of Jealousy again, what the hell? Why am i getting Jealous?! It's not like she's my girlfriend or anything, and he's my brother, what the hell is going on with me? She pulled away from the hug and he smiled before coming over and hugging me. "Brandon, what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see my little brother or anything, but it's just a surprise" I Asked. "Well, me and mom are kinda in a massive fight" He said. "What?! Why, what happened?" I Asked him. "Well, I have a girlfriend now ya' see" He said. A Sigh of Relief built up inside me when he said that. FOR CHRIST SAKE CONNOR SNAP OUT OF IT! "And i brought her home the other day, to introduce her to everyone... Let's just say, Mom flipped out, i'm not sure she is the biggest fan of hers." He trailed off. "What? Okay, first, good for you b, having a girlfriend i mean, but. Why did mom flip out? Wouldn't she just want you to be happy?" I Asked. "That's what i'd of hoped, but clearly not, Dad seemed OK with her, but mom ended up kicking her out after giving her weird looks the entire night." he said. "What? That doesn't sound like mom Brandon, she's always said all she's ever wanted is for us to be happy" I Said. "I Know, it sucks, That's why I left, I packed my bags for a while and then went and told Lila I was leaving for a while, she was a little upset but she understands why" He said. "Oh, Okay, Ya' know, I can book her a flight if you want, and she can come to LA and you can both stay in the hotel down the street" I Said. "No, Connor I cant ask you to pay for her to come out here" He said. "No really, its fine. I'll book her a flight now, give her a call. You guys are welcome here everyday but there just isn't a place for you to stay here other than the hotel" I Said. "Okay, Thankyou Con, that means a lot to me, I'm not gonna be going home for a while anyway, I need a break, away from mom and everyone" He said with a slight smile. "It's okay b" I Smiled as I walked over to my laptop and picked It up off the table before sitting on the sofa next to Willow. I booked the cheapest flight from Minnesota to LA for tomorrow morning and gave Brandon the details to message to his girlfriend.


I Can't believe brandons here! It's been ages since I've seen him. I Feel so bad for him after what his mum did, I never thought she'd have done that! She always seemed so kind and sweet, I've known her my entire life and all she's ever wanted was for her children to be happy. This was so not like her, I heard my phone ring in my pocket so I pulled it out checking the Caller ID, It was my mum.... I haven't spoken to her in about 2 months, she knew I was moving out here and we were both excited that we got to see each other again and stuff, but it might be a little awkward. "You Okay?" Connor asked, he must have seen the worried look plastered on my face. "Yeah, I'll be back in a minute" I Smiled standing up and walking to the Kitchen.

W; Mum? I Asked.
M; Willow... I'm sorry we haven't spoken in a while. When is it you're moving? She asked, she sounded so happy to be speaking to me again.
W; I've already moved mum, I'm at mine and Connor's apartment with him and Brandon, you remember Brandon right? I Said. It sounded weird saying 'mine' and Connor's apartment, yet so satisfying, I loved being able to say that it's now my home, and I'm living here with my best friend!
M; Oh! Yeah, I remember Brandon. Do you want to come over at some point? Or we can meet up in town? I Miss my baby girl. She whined.
W; God mum... I Laughed. Yeah Sure, I'd love too, when? I Asked.
M; Maybe you could come over tomorrow afternoon? She asked.
W; Sure, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye mum. I Said before hanging up.

I Grabbed a bottle of water and walked back into the living room where Connor was sat on the sofa and Brandon was just ending the phone call he was having. "You OK babe?" Connor asked. There it was again... Babe?! He's never called me that before. It's nothing anyway, he's just being friendly, but boy I wish it meant something...


"You OK babe?" I Asked as Willow walked back into the room. Shit! That's the second time today I've called her babe! I've never called her that before... Ever. I Really hope she hasn't noticed but I kinda think she has. Fuck, I think I like her. I Think I've liked her for years, we've skyped everyday since she moved to the UK when she was 13 and I was 15. Have I really liked her for 5 years?! And not noticed it? What is going on?! "CON!" She yelled. She was now sat next to me. "Huh? Sorry, what?" I Said. "I'm fine, it was just my mum, and what were you thinking about?" She asked me. "Oh nothing really, just day dreaming, and was that really your mom?! I Thought you guys hadn't spoke in like 2 months." I Said. "We haven't, that was the first time in 2 months. I'm going to see her tomorrow afternoon, will you come?" She asked, there was a look in her eyes that was scared almost, she hadn't seen her mom since she was 13, she's almost 19 now, and the last time she saw her mom she was in a hospital bed and didn't know anything or who anyone was. Not even Willow... "Of course I will Willow Pillow" I Smiled. "Thankyou" She whispered as she rested her head on my shoulder. Everything about this girl was perfect.

AN; Hey Guys! Sorry if this chapter sucks, I've been working on it for a week and I haven't proof read anything so some of it might be a little all over the place! Sorry! ILY<3
~Stay Frantastic.

Keeping It Secret. *A ConnorFranta Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now