10. Bruises and Scars.

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September the 11th.


To say I woke up with a screaming headache would be an understatement.

I sit up and rub my eyes groaning. Why does it have to be so bright? I look over at my clock to see the time and instead see a note with my name on it blocking my view of the glowing green numbers. I reach over taking it and quickly scan it.


Call me when you're sober. You have a lot of explaining to do.


At first everything up to drink five comes rushing back to me then I draw a blank. What happened last night? My second thought makes me laugh. 'Lucy, you have a lot of explanin' to do!'

I set the note aside. I go pee, and get some ibuprofen before I call Seth. Who won't tell me anything except that he'll be at my apartment in ten minutes.

In that time I pull on some clean clothes, brush my hair and teeth, and start a pot of coffee.

The coffee is almost done when someone starts to rapidly beat on my door. I groan holding me head. Is he trying to break it down? As soon as the door is open Seth storms in.

"Where's the fire?" I ask walking back into the kitchen.

Seth gives a quick, short laugh, "Where's the fire? Are you seriously fucking asking that?" I raise an eyebrow grabbing a cup from a cabinet. "You better start explaining right the fuck now."

I sigh, "About what?" I reach for another cup, "You want coffee?"

"About Scarlete! Who you apparently have a crush on and has an abusive boyfriend!" He rubs his temples, "And no I don't want fucking coffee."

I nearly drop the cup I'm holding, "What did I say last night?"

"You happened to mention that A) He broke her hand, B) That you've gotten into several arguments with her, C) That you've been to her house after Alex got drunk. D) That you wouldn't tell the school because you were taking care of it D)-"

I cut him off, "So I told you everything. And you said D twice."

Seth gives me a dirty look, "I dunno Holden I think you need to go into more detail about Scarlete."

"What do you mean?" I sigh. "It sounds like you know everything."

He shakes his head, "You were to drunk to do anything more than mention all of these events. Now I want to know what's going on with this girl."

I pour sugar and cream into my coffee before sitting down across from him, "It started the first day of school." I take a slow sip of coffee and then I tell him everything.

By the time I'm done I've had two cups of coffee, my headache is a little better and Seth has his face in his hands.

"Holden you have to tell the school."

I shake my head putting down my cup, "She'd never forgive me. I have to make her see how bad he is for her."

"Holden! Fuck! This isn't about you! This is about protecting one of your students!"

"The best way to protect her is to slowly pull her away from him. She won't listen to the school. Also what proof do we have? Anything I tell the school about my interaction with her could get me fired."

"What about her hand?"

I shake my head, "If I was going to report that I should have done it two weeks ago."

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora