26. Bruises and Scars.

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I'm spinning in a circle and I can't breathe. All air has been sucked from the room- if you can call what I'm in a room.

My hair flies into my face and it takes all my strength to reach up and push it from my eyes. I want to scream but I can't because my voice has seemed to disappear. I open my mouth just as I brush away the hair and then I fall to the ground.

I land with a thud and a groan and I realize I have my voice back. My hand- no longer being tied to my side- reaches up with ease and touches my throat.

I look up to see where I am as I climb to my hands and knees.

As soon as I realize where I am I gasp and freeze.

Alex is watching me and he looks hurt, and angry. A look I've seen him have a thousand times. That's the look he gets after he hurts me. But this time I know the look isn't because of that.

I look to the person next to him and see Holden. He runs his hand through his hair and my breathe catches. What am I going to do?

They can't talk. Holden is going to spill the beans about me and him. Alex is going to find out and leave me.

Just then they both cross the white room and both grab under one of my arms. They hoist me up and I lean against them for support.

I start to feel weak, like my whole body is being dragged down by bags of sand.

They put me into a chair I didn't even know was in the room and as they step away I feel my wrists and ankles being tied down. I look down to see them bare. I start to pull at my wrists trying to get free but I'm trapped.

I look up gasping for breathe, "What's going on?" I cry.

Alex gives me a sad look, "Scarlete you have to pick."

Holden nods, "You can't have us both."

I start to shake my head, "Holden! You told him!"

He shakes his head, "No I didn't. He found out on his own."

"But how!"

Alex walks towards me and all of a sudden his hands are around my throat, "Pick."

"Holden help." I gasp trying to break free from the invisible wrist ties so that I can pull his hands away.

But Holden gives me a dark look and steps up behind Alex. He grabs a fist full of my hair and pulls back. Alexs hands still on my throat.

"Pick Scar." He whispers into my ear.

Alexs hands squeeze tighter, "Yeah baby. Pick."

I start to scream, and thrashing around. I need to get away. I can't pick.

"Scarlete." Alex says.

"Scarlete." Holden starts to chant.

They get louder and louder. I scream louder trying to block them out.

"Scarlete." They chant together. Alexs voice starts to fade and then it's just Holden. He's standing over me chanting my name shaking me.

I squeeze my eyes closed shut still screaming.

"Scarlete! Wake up!" Holden yells.

My eyes snap open and I see Holden leaning over me. His hair is tussled and he looks like he just woke up. I realize as I shove on his chest that he's not wearing a shirt.

When I push him away I fall off the bed. I groan gasping for breathe. I touch my fingers to my throat, Alexs hands no longer there.

Holden is all of a sudden off the bed and his arms are around me, "Hey are you okay?"

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now