32. Bruises and Scars.

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January the 17th.

Today I'm having an intervention. Holden has called me four times completely drunk and I'm tired of it. That and the fact that one day he came to school with a hangover. He's going to get fired if he doesn't get his act together.

I march up the stairs to Holdens apartment. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. day so we don't have school.

I'm carrying a bucket and I'm hoping that Holdens door is unlocked. When I upstairs I see the brunette leaving her room. I wonder why she's always in the hallway. Does she even live in that apartment or does she live right outside it?

She raises an eyebrow, and I turn and try to open the door. When it's locked I sigh. I no longer need the bucket.

"There's a spare key under the fire extinguisher."

I turn to look at her, "What?"

She points to the fire extinguisher, "There's a spare key under there."

I walk over and look under it only to see nothing. She laughs and walks over. Her hand goes under the shelf that holds the extinguisher and a second later pulls up a key with tape on it.

I laugh, "clever."

I take it and am about to thank her when something comes to mind, "How did you know where his spare was?"

She rolls her eyes, "He's been coming home drunk, making a whole crap load of noise on the stairs so I come out to help him unlock his door. He forgot his keys one night and couldn't help but show me where the spare was so that he could get inside."

I nod, "I see."

She raises an eyebrow, "What's the bucket for?"

"I'm having an intervention. He's drinking and I feel like it's my fault."

"So the bucket is..." She trails off.

"So I can poor water on him to get his butt up."

She nods, "I see."

I shift uncomfortable, "Well I should go. It's going to be a long day."

"Alright bye Scarlete."

I freeze, "How do you know my name?"

She laughs, "Holden is always muttering about you when he's drunk. Congratulations on getting engaged."

I grimace and walk over to Holdens door, "Thanks."

I quickly unlock it and before I go inside I tape the key back underneath the shelf. I open the door as quietly as I can and as soon as I get in I go into the kitchen. I pull off my coat and drape it over a chair.

Deciding that it would be nice of me to make him coffee seeing as I'm about to dump water on him I start a pot and then fill my bucket. I'm surprised I don't wake him up with the faucet.

I sigh and lean against the counter as the bucket fills. I look around and realize how hard it is to be here knowing that I'm not aloud to kiss Holden. I shouldn't even hug him if I can help it.

When the bucket is half full I hoist it up and carry it into Holdens room. The door is open and I bite my lip smiling when I see him.

He's all curled up with a pillow and he's shirtless. I can't help but look at the muscles on his back before I shake my head.

You're here to stop him from drinking not to check him out.

I walk over to the bed and lift the bucket, "Sorry." I whisper and then I pour a couple drops onto his face.

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें