12 Bruises and scars.

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October the 4th.

19 days. 19 days since that jerk of a teacher has actually talked to me. I understand that I told him to stay away from me but I've said that before and he never listened.

19 days; two weeks and five days. Three school weeks and one day. Not that anybody is counting..

I watch him now as he makes the football team run. I watch his smug face as he works Alex harder. He always makes Alex work harder. If anything though it's making Alex a better player.

There is one good thing that has happened in those 19 days. I got my cast off yesterday. My arm is finally free of that disgusting thing.

Now as I sit in the bleachers I can't help but let my eyes wander- not for the first time- over to the cheerleaders. They're practicing outside on the Field today. I bite my lip watching one of the freshman completely mess up a back flip. Then another one screw up a one handed cart wheel. If you can't do something that simple then you shouldn't be a cheerleader.

Josie turns annoyed and wipes sweat off her forehead then she sees me. She grins and waves me down, "Scarlete come here!!"

My head snaps to look over at Alex who is currently in the middle of throwing the football to Spencer during a mock game. I bet he wouldn't even notice.

I bite my lip again. I don't know if I should risk it.

"Scarlete get your little butt down here!" Josie yells.

I put my sketch pad down on the bleachers and then walk down slowly. Maybe she just wants to talk.

"Yes master?" I ask.

She gives me a look flipping her hair over her shoulder, "Funny. Now I need your help."

I tense.

"I need you to help Janey get a one handed cart wheel down while I help Sage with the back flip."

I scratch the back of my neck, "Oh I don't know Josie. It's been over a year."

She rolls her eyes and shoves me toward Janie, "Just go."

I stumble forward and then peek a look at Alex. He hasn't even noticed I've left the bleachers. Maybe if I do this fast he won't notice at all.

I walk over to Janie and she smiles. "Josie said you needed help with a one handed cart wheel?"

She nods, "Yeah I can't seem to get it right."

I grab a elastic off my wrist and pull up my hair. I kick off my shoes and sweatshirt.


"Alright just watch okay."

She nods her head and I do a one handed cart wheel as slow as I can.

After fifteen minutes she seems to have it down and Josie calls me over. "Nice job." She smiles, "Want to show them what they should be able to do by the end of their first year."

"What?" I ask.

She shrugs, "We could just do a few tricks you know."

I smile excited, "Sure."

Josie tells them to back up and watch and we stand far enough apart that we won't hit each other.

"Want to see who can do more front flips?" She asks grinning.

I smile, "I bet I can still beat you."

She shakes her head, "Yeah right."

We have one of the freshman count down from three and then we both start to do front flips. I count ten in my head and then stop. Josie does nine.

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now