20. Bruises and scars.

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November the 24th.


Today is homecoming. It's my first one as a teacher.

Homecoming is a day where all four grades compete against each other in games. They also all make a skit and have judges decide which one is the best.

I remember as a student that seniors always win homecoming. It's a huge rumor that it's rigged that way but that's not true. I know this for a fact because as Juniors my class beat the seniors. Who actually came in last.

As the students wait in there first classes I look at Scarlete who has a 'Senior' shirt on, and 2011 written across her cheeks. Her hair is tied into two very high pigtails and she has ribbons tied in. She looks like a child. Everyone in the class has the same shirt on and I know that every other senior class looks the same as mine.

Everyone is standing talking excitedly when Scarlete stands up on a desk. I cross my arms at her, "Scarlete get down!"

But she ignores me as Alex holds her hips making sure she doens't fall, "Hey everyone! Who's going to win today!"

The whole class yells, "We are!"

She puts her arms over her head, "Wooo!!!"

The whole class yells and claps and Alex pulls picks her up off the desk and sets her on her feet. She's laughing as she kisses his lips.

I keep my arms crossed, "Scarlete I never want to see you standing on a desk again!"

She smiles, "Sorry, Mr. Blake." You can tell she doesn't mean it though.

Just then the seniors are called down over the intercom and they all start to cheer. Scarlete is literally bouncing out of the classroom and I laugh.

I follow them down the hallway and we end up in the gym first. They all walk in as a group and Scarlete is jumping up and down with Josie and Spencer as the rest of them just laugh.

They play the sophomores in tug-o-war, volley ball, and crab soccer. They win all four times.

Then we go to the auditorium. It's not long before all four skits are over and I have to say that the Juniors won by a long shot.

The sophomores leave the auditorium first and then the seniors leave. As seniors; because it's their last year, they get to march in.

So I go stand in the gym and then the seniors get announced. They all come in and Scarlete I realize is on Alexs back cheering. I laugh. I can't help but notice that as she's cheering her eyes find mine and she gives me a smile.

They all go sit in the bleachers except for the cheerleaders who stay in front in their uniforms.

Music is playing and Scarlete is jumping up and down in the bleachers. I laugh because of how crazy she looks. Alex is smiling when he pulls her onto his lap. At that moment I wish I was a student. I wish that I was in the bleachers next to Scarlete instead of Alex.

The first game they play is tug-o-war. Alex, Spencer, Jason, Melanie, Scarlete, and Stephy all go down.

It's obvious that the seniors are going to win, as you watch half the football team climb down the bleachers. I shake my head at the Freshman that think they stand a chance.

Just like I predicted the Seniors win easily and soon we're onto the next game.

Soon not just Scarlete is going crazy but everyone is. They're all stomping their feet and screaming. Singing along with the music.

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now