27. Bruises and Scars.

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December the 19th.

Today I'm cleaning the house. Both of my parents are gone for a few days. They're away at some convention. My mother for the most part keeps the house spotless while she's here but I'm in a cleaning mood. And me and Alex made a huge mess out of the living room yesterday.

We laid around watching movies, which is supposed to be a very non messy activity but it wasn't. We got into a popcorn fight, then a chip fight, and at one point squirted each other with water bottles. We made love numerous times so blankets and pillows are all over the floor. Which I of course need to throw into the wash. Then I need to wash the dishes we left everywhere. Yesterday had been amazing all around.

I'm blasting music and dancing around as I clean up. I'm in the middle of twirling around and singing when the doorbell rings. I run over to the door still singing and answer it.

I'm out of breathe and I'm sure my face is all red. I smile when I see Holden.

"What are you doing here?"

He laughs when he sees me, "Bringing your coat to you, you forgot it at my place. What are you doing?"

I smile taking it from him, "Thanks. And I'm cleaning can't you tell?"

He grins, "I never knew cleaning could make someone so out of breathe."

I roll my eyes at him, "I'm dancing also."

Holden laughs, "I should go and let you finish then."

I shake my head, "No, it's alright. Come on in."

He steps inside and points to the ceiling, "Is this Pauley Perrette?"

I nod grinning, "Yes. I freaked out when I realized she made a song."

I walk over and turn it down.

He looks around the living room which I have barely cleaned due to the fact that I was to busy dancing.

"What happened in here?"

I shrug and walk over throwing away some more trash, "Me and Alex had a movie day. It got a little messy."

His lips go into a line, and he nods.

I ruffle my hair searching for something to say, "So what do you want to do?"

He shrugs, "I have to go Christmas shopping so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

My eyes widen, "Shit I totally forgot about that. Yeah I wanna go. Give me two seconds."

I run up the stairs and into my room. I put on some shoes and brush out my hair which got a little everywhere while I was dancing. Then I run back downstairs.

Holden is sitting on the couch waiting for me and I try to control my blush. I wonder what he would do if he knew that me and Alex had made love there yesterday.

"Ready." I grab my coat off the couch where I had throw it and slip it on.

He smiles standing up, "Alright let's go then."

On the way past the door I grab my purse and lock the door before following Holden to his car.

It's snowing and he turns up the heat as soon as we get into the car.

He smiles over at me, "So I made this cd a week ago and I was wondering how many of the songs you knew on it."

"I bet all of them." I say grinning.

He shrugs and presses play, "Wanna make a bet?"

I smile confident, "Sure."

He pulls out of the driveway smiling, "If I win, you have to hold my hand the whole time we're shopping."

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now