11 Bruises and scars.

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September the 15th.

This whole week I've avoided making eye contact with Mr. Blake. I've avoided his hallway, and talking to him other then saying 'here.' when he calls my name or if he asks a question.

Me and Alex sat through our detention on Monday and this time Seth didn't show up. Alex mostly helped me with math homework and then I sketched.

Today seems to be my unlucky day as Mr. Blake calls me to stay after class. I sigh shoving my notebook into my bag.

Of course.

Alex freezes for a second and I reach over and kiss his cheek, "Go get a pass and I'll see you in art."

He nods, "Alright." He glares at Mr. Blake before leaving.

I cross my arms waiting for the last of the other students to leave and then Mr. Blake crosses the room and closes the door.

"We need to talk," he says.

I push my hair behind my ear, "Really because I hadn't gathered that from you calling me after class." I move towards the door, "But there's one problem I have to get to art, so we can do this later." I shrug, "Or never."

He grabs my arm, "Scarlete, just wait."

I sigh but turn to look at him. Really look at him; something I've avoided all week. His eyes look into mine and I'm tempted to cringe away. I don't though. I narrow my eyes at him, staring right back.

"Fine, what do you want? You literally have one minute." I pull my arm free.

He pulls a hand through his hair, "Look, I know that we got off on the wrong foot okay? But you're my student and I'm your teacher and we can't have this sort of relationship going on between us." He motions towards both of us with his hand.

I laugh humorlessly, "Relationship? There is no relationship between us."

He shakes his head, "Not the kind of relationship you're talking about. But we do have a lot between us. Scarlete I'm your teacher and you need to trust me. You also need to treat me with respect."

"Respect? You're trying to tell me how to live my life after two weeks of knowing me. You have pressed yourself up against me twice now in the classroom. You've shown up at my house twice now; both at completely inappropriate times. You taunt me about my sex life. And you're the one that started this war. I will never treat you with respect Holden."

He glares at me, "I didn't start this war. I don't even want this to be a war Scar. I'm trying to end it now."

I put up a hand, "My names Scarlete. Don't call me Scar."

He steps towards me, "If you can call me Holden then I can call you Scar."

I shake my head and walk towards the door, "This is why we're in a war. You can't end it while throwing more coal into the fire Holden."

I have my hand on the handle when he grabs my arm. He leans close and whispers into my ear; doing exactly what he did in front of my house. "Scar isn't just a nickname for Scarlete you know. It's also what Alex is doing to you. He's scaring your body and your heart."

My breathe catches and I roughly grab my arm away for the third time, "Stay away from me."

I open the door and run down the hall. I'm halfway down it when Mr. Blake yells my name.

I run around the corner and hit something hard. I fall back and am lucky when I don't land on my cast.

"I'm so sorry." I say pushing hair back from my face. I should really start pulling it up, it's always everywhere.

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now