47. Bruises and Scars.

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I updated this chapter after 48 on accident. so if you already read 48 last night then read this one too!



April 13th.

"Holden!" I yell from the bedroom.

He walks in in only a towel, "Yeah?"

I look at him with my hands on my hips, "Where's my shirt?"

I have all of my clothes on except that. He shrugs, "I dunno. Just wear one of mine."

I shake my head and look under the bed, "I can't go home with your clothes on."

"Why not?" He asks pulling out clothes.

"I'm going to drop some major bombs on my parents when I get home, I'd rather not be wearing some strange mans clothes."

He laughs pulling on a pair of boxers, "I'm not some strange man."

"To my parents you are."

He drys his hair with the towel, "I won't be on Saturday."

"But until then I want to go home in my own clothes." I say throwing the blankets around.

Holden throws me a shirt from the closet, "Just put it on."

"I'm going to look like a skank."

He rolls his eyes, "You'll look worse if you go home with out a shirt at all."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Decent point."

He laughs and walks over wrapping his arms around my waist, "Are you sure you can't stay any longer?"

I shake my head, "It's already four, I need to get home and talk to my parents before it gets to late."

He sighs and kisses my neck, "Call me later at least?"

I nod and kiss his lips, "Alright, I'll call as soon as I can."

He grins and brushes hair from my face, "You could come over later."

I shake my head, "I don't think we should have any more sleepovers until my parents meet you."

He pouts, "It's only Wednesday."

I laugh, "And you'll live. I'll see you in school."

"But I can't touch you in school." He whines running a hand up my back.

I shiver and pull away, "I really need to go."

He sighs, "Fine, but I'm not happy about this."

I start to walk across the room, "I'll talk to you later then."

I'm about halfway out the door when arms wrap around my waist, "Nope, can't do it."

"Do what?" I ask laughing.

He carries me back to the bed and throws me onto it, I scream and flip over in just enough time before he climbs on top of me, "Let you leave."

I laugh as his lips attack my neck, "I really have to go."

"But, you're finally all mine."

My hands slip into his hair and his lips find mine, "You can't leave." He says smiling.

I flip us over so I'm on top, "But I have to."

I lean down to kiss his lips and when I try to pull away he sits up with me. His hands grab the back of my head keeping my lips against his. I groan and then start laughing, he lets me breathe as his lips finally leave mine and I grin, "I really have to go." I say again.

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now