24 Bruises and Scars.

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It’s a few days after I kissed Holden in the rain that I start to get sick. I thought I had managed to not get sick because it has taken so long for me to start to feel like crap. But today I sneeze for the first time and from there it’s all down hill.

By last period my nose is red and it hurts from constant blowing, I'm exhausted, and hunched over onto the desk.

I groan for the millionth time that day and Alex brushes hair from my face so he can see me,

“Scarlete are you sure you don’t want me to bring you home?”

I shake my head, “No I want to go to your football practice. I promised.”

Alex tugs on my waist, “Come here Scarlete, sit up.” He pulls me into a sitting position and I lean against him, “Why?” I complain.

He places his hand on my forehead, “Scarlete you’re all red, and your forehead is burning. I'm taking you home.”

I sigh, “Fine.”

I stand up and immediately cover my mouth, “I feel like I'm going to throw up.”

Alex scoops me up, “I'll carry you as long as you promise not to throw up on me.”

I rest my head on his shoulder, “No promises.”

Josie stands up grabbing our bags, “I'll carry your bags.”

Alex sighs, “Thanks Josie.”

I wipe my nose with a tissue, “Uggghhh.” I groan.

The teacher lets us go without question and soon I'm being placed in the nurses office. She takes my temperature, and then shakes her head, ‘tsking.’

“Something must be going around, Mr. Blake was just in here, and he had the same exact temperature as you, 103.”

So Mr. Blake got sick too? Serves him right keeping me in the rain. I give a small smile before forcing my face to look pained again. Which isn’t that difficult.

I groan again leaning against Alex. He runs his fingers through my hair, “Can I have a pass so that I can drive her home?”

She nods, “Of course.”

A few minutes later I'm being lifted again and as we exit the school I see Holden. As soon as he sees me he turns and strides towards me and Alex, “Hey are you alright?” He asks concerned.

I want to yell at him for getting me sick, but Alex answers for me.

“She’s just sick, so the nurse is letting me take her home.”

Holden puts his hand on my forehead, then laughs, “I'm going home sick too. Something must be going around.”

He looks at me amused and I give him a warning look. Alex sighs, “I hope you don’t get me sick Scarlete.”

I smile up at him, “I'll try not too.”

Then Alex looks at Holden, “Does that mean practice is cancelled?”

He nods, “Unfortunately yes.”

Alex nods then looks down at me again, “Well I need to get her home.”

Holden nods again and smiles at me, “Feel better soon.”

“You too.”

Alex puts me into the car and I insist on walking into my house myself. I get about halfway up the stairs to my room when I lean against the railing, “Oh god I feel awful.” I say.

Alex scoops me up, “It’s okay baby. I got you.”

I wrap my arms around his neck and am soon placed onto my bed. Alex helps pull off my clothes and then he places his hand on my forehead, “You feel really hot. Do you want some soup or something?”

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now