Chapter 1

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I went out into the field just on the outskirts of our pack village, and I picked the prettiest wildflowers.

I always came out here to get away from the evil feel of the pack. I liked to come out here because I wasn't called weak, too nice, or fake because of the kindness I would show for others. It wasn't in my nature to be cruel, yet I was surrounded by people who were.

I grabbed another purple flower and decided I had enough in my bunch, and I walked on home. I followed the stream all the way to my house, and I occasionally dipped my bare feet into the water.

Once I made it to my house, I tiptoed over to the wall where my window was, and climbed up the vinery that clung to the wall.

It might look like I went out of my house when I wasn't supposed to, but I didn't. I just didn't want to walk through the house where my parents and sister would be.

They would just tell me how much more prettier Savannah was , how talented she was, and how I was so weak, so innocent, how I wouldn't be fit for my first shift tomorrow as it was my 16th birthday tomorrow.

I climbed into my room and huffed as I bumped into my desk that was much to close to my bed. My room was the size of a closet I kid you not, so I had little room for walking space. But I never complained.

When I was younger, I had a nicer room, but one day Savannah decided that she needed two big rooms just so she could have a huge closet. I could've said no, but me being nice, I said sure. So many people take advantage of my kindness and after awhile, it can be unbearable.

"Charity get down here!" My mother yelled not so kindly.

At first I didn't respond because that was a name newly given to me. You might be thinking, what's so bad about that name? But to my cruel packmates, it labels me as weak and as kind . So it kinda just stuck. They don't know this, but I like the name they gave me. My real name is Scarlet but that makes me sound like I want to cause pain, and Charity describes me for who I am.

I ran out of my room and down the steps quickly and found my mom, dad, and sister all sitting in the living room. My parents glared at me and my sister smirked.

"What is it that I hear about you stealing Savannah's clothes and you taking stuff from her?" My mom said sternly.

What? Wasn't I the kind girl? Why would they believe Savannah when I obviously don't do things like that.

"I didn't do any of that." I spoke softly.

"Yeah you did you twerp you take things from me all the time." She said  with a sly grin.

"You call me Charity for a reason. Why would I do something mean like that?" I said truthfully.

My parents thought that over.

"That's true, but your still in trouble. We would've rather you did something wrong than be the prissy kind princess that you are." My dad said snootily.

It doesn't matter if I was good or bad, they would look for something , anything, to get me in trouble.

"Now go to your room. No dinner." My dad said with a growl.

I nodded and quickly climbed up the steps and laid down on my bed. I never ate dinner anyway. That's why I was so thin. I hardly ever ate. They didn't let me. The only food I ate were the few times when no one was home, and when I occasionally found fruit in the forest.

My stomach learned to be quiet. It never growled anymore cause it knew it wouldn't get filled.

I fell asleep dreaming of how I was going to look as a wolf and how I was going to feel. And there was a small part of my mind wondering if I would possibly find my mate.

(Pic on top is Charity)

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