Chapter 37

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Max Pov~

I had my mate right next to me and I thought nothing could ruin this moment until a big group of wolves pushed through the clearing and immediately attacked us.

I saw John tense up as he smelled the rogue leader that his mate had cheated on him with.

He quickly went into to angry wolf mode and attacked the rogue. I had no time to watch and pushed Charity back.

"Run Charity!" I urged her and shifted into my wolf form yet again.

I saw red and killed every rogue that came into my path.

I looked over and saw that John was struggling to defeat the leader rogue. I knew that he wanted to do this himself but if I left him to do this he might get seriously injured.

I was about to step in when I heard a familiar scream. No.

I ran towards Charity and found her cornered by three rogues. The fear in her eyes made me even angrier than I already was.

I was about to lunge at them when a wolf bit my hind leg. It was the rogue leader.

Soon the three wolves that had been cornering Charity jumped on top of me holding me down.

The rogue leader released his grip on my leg and got up and shifted. He didn't even bother to change. He looked down at me with a glare.

"Shift." He growled.

I rolled my eyes. I was an Alpha he couldn't order me.

When he saw I wasn't gonna comply, he grabbed a crying Charity.

"If you don't shift I won't hesitate to hurt her." He smirked.

With that I shifted and gave him a cold hard glare.

"What do you want? Your Slut back?" I spat.

"Who? Savannah? I could careless about her. I only used her." He chuckled wickedly.

"Then what?" I asked seething. I didn't like how he gripped my mates arm.

"I want your mate here." He smirked. "Kill him." He told the wolves on me.

"Noooo!!" Charity screamed. "Please no!! I'll go with you willingly as long as you don't kill him!!" She shouted.

I was dumbfounded when I saw her kick the rogue leader in the groin and he fell to the ground in pain, as did Charity. What was that about?

Looks like the rogues in top of me were confused as well which made them lose focus so I took this time to shift and kill all of them then I turned to kill the rogue leader but he had Charity in a choke hold.

"One wrong move Max and she's done." He chuckled.

I shifted back into my human form and glared at him.

"Let her go. I'll give you anything except for her." I growled.

"How bout this, we fight for her?" He grinned evilly.

"What do you mean fight for her?! She's already mine!" I yelled possessively.

"We fight to the death and the survivor gets her." He grinned menacingly.

"Fine." I smirked. Did this low life rogue really think he could beat an Alpha.

He shoved Charity aside which caused me to lose focus and before I knew it he had me pinned to the ground in his wolf form.

He wasn't getting off that easily.

I shifted and tried to shove him off of me but he clamped onto my shoulder which made me howl in pain.

I still had a lot of fight left in me though. I tried shoving him off me again and this time it worked and I rolled over onto my paws and faced him.

He growled at me and I launched myself at him and I could feel my shoulder screaming.

I was able to tackle him on the ground but before I could latch my teeth around my neck he pushed me off and tackled me and sank his teeth deeper into my shoulder. I tried to get him off but he was heavier because I was loosing my strength with the more blood I was losing.

I finally got him off of me surprising me by my sudden burst of strength because it was like pushing nothing.

I got up and saw Charity holding a dagger and the rogue leader on the ground losing a lot of blood. I looked back at Charity and saw blood gushing from her chest.

She was about to collapse but I shifted and quickly grabbed her and set her gently on the ground.

"What-what happened?!" I screamed.

She lifted her hand and stroked my cheek.

"If I inflict pain on someone it also happens to me. I stabbed him so I have that same wound." She said barely in a whisper.

"What no! Stay with me!" I said as I saw her eyes threaten to close. "Why would you do that Charity?" I yelled.

"I love you. I didn't want you to die." She whispered.

"No Charity! You can't die! You had a purpose remember? To show everyone that you should have compassion and not hurt anyone. Plus I need you." I felt tears fall down my face.

"I failed. But for good reason. You could've died." She whispered and her eyes fluttered closed.

I couldn't hear her heart any longer and I could feel like my wolf was dying inside.

"No!!!!! Charity come back!!" I put my lips to hers which were still warm but they were quickly getting colder and colder.

I looked at my shoulder and noticed that it was healed. She had healed me while she was saying her last words.

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